well it has a big throat ..with its single barrel ...the dft has a much smaller one on its primary barrel ....and i dont have much experience at setting them up ... we will just have to really look into this ...how dose the idle circuit work.....how many jets dose it have ...gas and air .... and dose it have emulsion tubes ...one or more .... accelerator pump and is it jetable or adjustable ...
if it was me ..id tkae everything down to just strait carb and go from there ... basically taking electric choke off and anything else that is more car motor related .... on the dft i got rid of the power valve deal that was fixed and no way to adjust it...i am sure the solex might have something like that ...i will see if i can find out some stuff on this carb ... i did get one going for tom forman at the meet and greet that want on a 1100 ...but has no time to work with it at all ...it seemed to be rather good ...i am sure the carb can be made to work good i am thinking ....
if it was me ..id tkae everything down to just strait carb and go from there ... basically taking electric choke off and anything else that is more car motor related .... on the dft i got rid of the power valve deal that was fixed and no way to adjust it...i am sure the solex might have something like that ...i will see if i can find out some stuff on this carb ... i did get one going for tom forman at the meet and greet that want on a 1100 ...but has no time to work with it at all ...it seemed to be rather good ...i am sure the carb can be made to work good i am thinking ....