Congratulations on a job well done :salute: !!! Makes me think about a new Weber with a similar if not the same design for at least 1 of my 1200's.The latest one loses power in 3rd gear at about 85,think float's may be set too low,haven't looked into them yet.They were partly plugged,had idle turned way up,Startron & ATF opened them up & turned idle down several times.Runs well enough to get me in trouble,& if i don't rev high, it runs past 85 nicely, what few times I've tried,so looks like carbs get dug into when stator is replaced & damper plate is trashed or sold on ebay.Be the perfect time to make a manifold,& with any updates you might come with,might convert all over to single carb set up.A set of good running carbs,still looks to bring enough to cover the expense on ebay. :headscratch: All your bikes with same,& BETTER carbs would be a real plus,& one rebuild kit per scooter would be a real bonus. :good: