Well fellers....the journey has come to an end. The Turd is DONE!! :yahoo:

arty: :clapping:
Started this mernin finishing the fairing repairs. It ain't purdy, but it should hold up. Most of it is out of sight, anyway.
Once that was done, I taped it off so I could skwert some fresh black paint on the inside of the fairing...it was gettin kinda not-so-black.
After paint
I spent the better part of an hour trying to get the dang rubber ducting for the vents back in....that's when I realized I was trying to put the
left side duct on the
right side... :doh:

oh2: Once I got that sorted out in me haid, they went back in super easily.....DOH!
After that, the fairing was bolted back on, and then the real fun starts...figuring out all the wiring. What a friggin pain...
Took a while but I did get it all sorted out, and everything working as it should.
Which led to THIS...Ladies and Germs...
I present to you, THE TURD, in all it's glory, in the sunlight, in ONE PIECE! :yahoo:
Rode it up to the gas station to fuel it up for tomorrow's ride to werk. Seems to run a wee bit better, but I dint nail it too hard...but it did slip the dang clutch a time or two....clutch cable felt a little tight. Once I got back, I loosened the cable adjustment a smidge, and made sure I had some free-play. Should be otay now. All lights working, fires up as soon as I hits the start button, idles really nice, no smoke/steam, and...NO LEAKS! Plus...I'm a full week ahead of my self-imposed deadline to finish! :yes: Granted...I skipped doing a few things I wanted to do, such as polishing the upper fairing molding, but I can do that in a few minutes anytime. I want to RIDE. Weather's nice, so ride I will. :moped:
btw...I tried to take a pic of the fuel/temp gauge light mod, but...my camera just won't do it. I closed the geraj door, turned the lights out, but the camera just won't show anything. Sorry. I can tell you the gauges are MUCH more visable now, tho.
Thanks for all the encouragement, ideas, and help, fellers. :thanks: