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[url=https://forum.classicgoldwings.com/~classir7/forum/viewtopic.php?p=182065#p182065:3nudoi4l said:
chuck c » 51 minutes ago[/url]":3nudoi4l]
I took it for a ride! That's a big deal.
Warming up
After warm
Sounds like it's getting there. How was the ride?
Emotionally, fantastic. I can't tell you how good it felt. More technically, that carb needs some adjustment but overall pretty good. If I cranked it hard it stumbled. I thought disconnecting the accelerator pump would fix that. As long as I didn't give it too much at once it ran well. The gas in it is 8 or so months old so fresh would help. Got to figure out that stumble.
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=182063#p182063:13m5a5cr said:
dan filipi » Sun Oct 09, 2016 6:23 pm[/url]":13m5a5cr]
Try disabling the accel pump just for grins.

I did. It just falls over on itself. If I rejet without the accel pump, it may be different but i think i am going to need that accel pump squirt to start it when it is colder. There are a bunch of settings for that pump, so i am trying them all until i find the one that works best.
yesterday I found one of the bolts that holds my seat on rounded out on the wing. looking through the tool box there were more t-40's than 6mm allen head sockets so I grabbed a t-40 and jb wielded it to the bolt, we will see what happens in a couple days
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=182073#p182073:1nyiupph said:
brianinpa » Sun Oct 09, 2016 9:03 pm[/url]":1nyiupph]
Chuck, I have tried several different settings both with the accel pump connected and with it disconnected. I think the carb, was designed to run with that accel pump.

I had an idea tonight about this problem and a possible solution. That Solex is seriously oversized for that engine. Maybe when you fully open the throttle at low rpm the velocity of the air going through it drops too low for it to work properly. So what if we stick a restrictor plate on top with an opening closer to the stock 34mm? If I'm right that it's because the carb is about 30% too big, might that keep the speed of air up and prevent that stumble? I'm gonna try it.
do it ive done all that to hooch on a different carb though ..didnt really cure the problem ..i use a pvc plumbing connector it made like a velosity stack and did change how it ran ..but did not fix the dft carb problems ...but might yours
I finally put the fairing from the parts bike on and got a lot of nuthin'. The running lights come on, no headlight, 1 turn comes on steady. The tail turn might be out, but why the other no work? What is the set of fuses hidden in the fairing for, the radio? The bike did have a radio so I'm sure some of the unexplained wires were for its power and the speakers. But I can't figure why I have no headlight. Heeeeeey that one's off the parts bike...... I have no idea if it works..... it's always something. :head bang:
Took apart the locks from the trunk I installed last spring and re-coded them to match the single key for the other bags and locks. Nice to have one key for ignition and helmet lock and one key for the trunk locks! :yes:
It's starting to look like a Goldwing again! I figured the shortest path to working was to pull the old harness out of the old fairing and yup, it worked. I could only find 1 of the 4 screws for the turn signals :rant: so off to Lowe's to see if they had any 4mm x 40mm+ screws that even work. I guessed it was a longshot but lo! they had some. Shiny, but I'll take 'em. I can un-shine them. Reassmbly included the vinegar contact cleaning trick, packing all connectors and bulb sockets with dilectric grease, and soaking all rubber with Armor All. The turn signals are still not working but I think the trouble is really in the rear where I had to completely rewire it. I'll dig into that tomorrow.


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[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=182073#p182073:rllfjx82 said:
brianinpa » Sun Oct 09, 2016 9:03 pm[/url]":rllfjx82]
Chuck, I have tried several different settings both with the accel pump connected and with it disconnected. I think the carb, was designed to run with that accel pump.

I have done a lot of testing with these carbs, 34-3 H 30-31 The idling was a big issue as far as rich. But if you can keep the fuel in a vapor is all fine. Hotter spark always helps too.
yesterday morning I wanted to get the ST 1100 over to my nieces for hibernation but the battery was dead. I took off the seat, left side cover, and saddle bag so I could connect the battery charger. after that I got on the wing I rode the wing to my friends mom funeral. from there I went over to another friends house, his son stopped by and removed the seat bolt on the wing with one of those extraction tools, the jb wield didn't work. once back home I decided to see how charged up the ST 1100 was, it wasn't and I was thinking I need a new battery. I didn't want to put the seat, saddlebag and side cover back on so I grabbed the seat and side cover so I could put them in the garage and noticed the extension cord wasn't plugged in, no wonder the battery wasn't charged. got the ST 1100 started this morning, got on all my klim gear and rode over to my niece's, it started sprinkling just as I pulled in her driveway
I put 45 miles on it! FIRST RIDE!
I must thank everyone here at CGW for putting up with my rantings and endless help, advice, and patience. I literally could not have done it without your help. :clapping:


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The only issue is the horn location. When front braking with a 300lb rider they do not clear the tire. I must relocate them but I have to get the lower fairings on to know where to put them. They might fit inside them. But if that's the only problem I have, I'm thrilled.

I have to tighten one mirror. Wind was able to move it. I currently have a separate circuit to the fan and it's on all the time. I need to get that back to normal. Otherwise the mechanical stuff seems to be done and I can work on finishing the looks. Oh, I did say I would adjust the valves but that can wait a bit.

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