What did you do to your Wing today ?

Classic Goldwings

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[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=209384#p209384:1kdslm00 said:
AApple » Yesterday, 12:26 pm[/url]":1kdslm00]
Yestidy, I tried for aboot 2 hours to get some form of firm rear brake pedal on the "Turd" befo I gave up. Rebuilt master AND caliper not too long ago, but never really had a firm pedal, even tho it will stop the rear. Gotta take it in two weeks to get it inspected, and would like to have a decent rear brake....but not really gunna worry too mooch aboot it now. Then, on top of that, my danged maintenance charger took a doo-doo on me...just bought two of them a couple of months ago....yeeesh... :fiddle: :crying:

Try lashing the rear brake pedal down overnight, might help :yes:
Way ahead of ya....locked it down with a screwdriver already. :good: :BigGrin:
I’ve had several squishy real old master cylinders ...I’m thinking after awhile they get so old Neal’s or rebuild kits are never going to make them solid ..they work but at a lower level of operation
The annual oil & filter change. Not that I'll be riding this week either. Rains every other day and haven't seen 60* since the middle of last week and maybe once this coming week. :Awe:
Also changed the oil (no filter) on the little bike; '80 Honda Twinstar. Sidestand only so I thought I'd place a block of wood under the exhaust pipe to make it more level. Pry on the drain plug and... the wood pops out and over it goes. Right on me laying on my side. I'm not hurt, it only weighs a couple hundred pounds or so, but my arms are pinned. I'm in the garage, my wife is out food shopping, and I'm stuck. I have my cell phone, but can't move my arms. After 2 or 3 minutes I finally wiggle out from under it, but it was a completely silly predicament that I had brought upon myself. For a guy who often thinks he smarter than average, I can do some pretty bone-headed things. :blush:
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=209506#p209506:1t8qei71 said:
Ansimp » Mon Apr 29, 2019 3:46 pm[/url]":1t8qei71]
Nice one Dave! :good: We have all been guiltily of brain farts. :yes:

Not me. Always have my wits about me.... Never dropped a Vmax off the lift crushing my toolbox door. (Bike ok). Never burnt the tip of my nose getting too close to the pipes whilst adjusting valves on a SOHC CB750. Never poured 5 quarts of oil through a 340 Duster onto the ground (forgot plug) after getting distracted by a couple of young pretties that came by during the job.

Meanwhile, what did I do to my Goldwing Wing today? I rode it to work. In fact, I'm going to ride it to work tomorrow, as well. Some halfway decent weather on tap and it will likely be the last truly comfortable riding days we have as summer is upon us.
On Monday, I drove to Indiana and picked up a parts bike '79. Plan is for my next project to be a '79 restore. Don't have the subject bike yet, but this seemed to be a good deal. Must have been a parts or part-out donor. Left abandoned in a barn behind this young family's rental and he wants the area to work on cars. No title, no VIN tag on frame and not stamped into headstock. Engine serial# indicates it is a '79, however. No rear wheel, swing arm, etc. No shelter or plastic. Has full carb rack, however.
Yes it did ...fired right up ....went ahead a cleaned the Jets ...had to add a bit of brake fluid to the clutch master and then rode the the bike ...ran very strong ...love the torque this bike has ..ivemissed it lol
First ride of the seasons! :moped: Took a while for it to fire (I run the carbs dry) but no dragging brakes or anything out of the ordinary. One of the rear light bars goes out after a bit, so I have to chase wires this weekend. Oh, and the bike is filthy, but I'll wash and wax Memorial Day weekend. Stay safe, Dave
Been riding hooch a lot lately
.bike is running super strong ...traveling well have put a thousand miles on the. Bike..traveling well after getting air pressure right.the bike never ceases to amaze me ...it has the.biggest torque curve of any bike or car I've ever owned ... fun time for riding in fla except for the love bugs that are out this time of year hitting you or windshield or helmet shield ...

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