Wow nice
[url= said:DaveKamp » 55 minutes ago[/url]":1rhbkuqd]
He took the written exam, passed it perfectly, to get his MC permit. That gives him privelage of riding with a fully-licensed adult, for up to 4 years...
I would THINK that if he chooses to take the riding proficiency test NOW (while it's still summer... er... fall...) they'd let him prove his capacity of the course, then issue him the passign score, and identify him as 'pending age requirement'... so that I don't have to bring him back IN DECEMBER... ?!?!?
[url= said:bib » 55 minutes ago[/url]":6zgq7nnq]
I finished something that's been on the back burner since I got the wing in 2013. When I bought it the left mirror was cracked. About that time was when I met Wolfie and he gave me a pair of mirrors that came off the first 1100 that he customized. The left mirror was loose though, as many of them end up. I tightened it the best I could and have been living with it ever since. Today I got brave an decided to try to remove the cracked glass from my original mirror and replace it with the convex glass from the good right mirror that was sitting on the shelf. I first warmed up the mirror and rubber in the cracked mirror with a heat gun. I then used one of those little picks that Harbor Freight sells (set of 4 with different tips, orange handles). I was amazed how easily the glass came out...the cracked glass came out in one piece! Repeated the process with the good mirror and it popped in with ease.