4 inch pulley anyone?

Classic Goldwings

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dan filipi":3w3ttlv3 said:
jerryinmich57":3w3ttlv3 said:
Make sure it's hardened and not the cheapy grade metal. Those strip easy and ya don't want it breaking.

I got mine at ace hardware.
It is a grade 8.8 I know the one I took out is a 10.0 but I think the 8.8 will work.
What do you think?
Just need your opinion not holding anyone to their answer.

8.8 is plenty strong IMO.
I went back to KC this week and my Ace Hardware up there had the correct bolt size, 12mm 1.25 pitch and they had a 50mm and a 60mm long so I bought both, one of them is bound to work and it is also a 8.8 bolt...I need a male plug for my used firefly alternator, anyone know where I can get one if the junkyard doesn't have one.?..... :party:
hi all , things would be going alot better if the weather would work with me . i dont have a building so i am doing everything in the yard and its been raining alot lately . but anyways , i got the bike started saturday finally and tested output on the altenator and wasnt too happy , at idle wasnt putting out but 2 volts . tore everything down again today and will start recalculating everything and will have to rework pullies to get the right ratios . but this is why i wanted everything tested before making any for yall , would hate to get everyone stuff that dont work
countryboy843":1wk855b8 said:
hi all , things would be going alot better if the weather would work with me . i dont have a building so i am doing everything in the yard and its been raining alot lately . but anyways , i got the bike started saturday finally and tested output on the altenator and wasnt too happy , at idle wasnt putting out but 2 volts . tore everything down again today and will start recalculating everything and will have to rework pullies to get the right ratios . but this is why i wanted everything tested before making any for yall , would hate to get everyone stuff that dont work

Countryboy I don't mean to ask a stupid question, But it won't be the first time it has happened.
So here goes it looks like you have the same alt. I have on mine.
Did you have the battery hooked up to the main post on the alt. the reason I ask is how could it only show 2 volts.
If the battery was in the system it should have shown at least 10 or 11 if the bike continued to run that is when mine would start missing back when it was running off the battery alone.
I think the alt. cannot produce power unless it starts with some from the battery.
If I am way off base with this someone let me know.
I will also ask a stupid question and I'm a little embarrassed asking it and please don't get all mad at me like my wife does for asking stupid questions and my daughter too, but did you unplug the regulator rectifier when you tested it?
littlebeaver":2g2avzt2 said:
I will also ask a stupid question and I'm a little embarrassed asking it and please don't get all mad at me like my wife does for asking stupid questions and my daughter too, but did you unplug the regulator rectifier when you tested it?

Don't feel along littlebeaver my wife of 34 1/2 years has almost learned to antisapate stupid questions from me.
Seeings how you brought this up are we supposed to unplug that?
All I did was unplug the three yellow wires from the stator.
ok first thing first , like my boss says the only stupid question is the one you dont ask . ok now , i did not have the altenator hooked into the charging system i had it mounted and the belt on just not wired in yet . i checked to output on the altenator alone
Ok guys straighten me out on this, are we to just unplug the RR all together or just the stator plug? It has my pea size brain boggled now..
Thank you, thank you very much... The smaller the pulley on the Alt. side the better is what I understand is that correct? 4" on the crank and as small as 2" or 2- 1/4" on the pulley if you can find one that small..
littlebeaver":fhdu8o9x said:
Thank you, thank you very much... The smaller the pulley on the Alt. side the better is what I understand is that correct? 4" on the crank and as small as 2" or 2- 1/4" on the pulley if you can find one that small..
Yep, your aiming for a 2 to 1 ratio.
I've found this out by trial and error.

My alt pulley is 2 1/4 OD then with 4" OD crank it's just under 2 to 1 giving me 13.6 volts at 950 rpm

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