hooch getting a new fuel source

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thanks brian its right there .. I think I will ply the deal with washer first on head that has better lip ...bar and then cover washer too and lets not forget the whole grain non gmo cereal gaskes either LOL
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=110812#p110812:g3pfe8b0 said:
joedrum » Sun Feb 23, 2014 8:59 am[/url]":g3pfe8b0]
thanks brian its right there .. I think I will ply the deal with washer first on head that has better lip ...bar and then cover washer too and lets not forget the whole grain non gmo cereal gaskes either LOL

Might even be able to tin solder the washer to the grab bar flange. I think I read somewhere that you could solder SS if you used the right kind of flux.
As an aside and for someone who is going with a 1 1/4" grab rail: remember how I brazed those brass doughnuts to the bottom of my grab rail flanges in order to get the O-ring seal and to raise my manifold up 1/4" to clear the top of engine. Well after I did all that I was looking through some stuff from an old Suzuki GS750 I had and found some intake boots. Guess what; they are a direct bolt on to the GW intake (bolt size and spacing the same) and a 1 1/4" OD pipe is a perfect fit into them. Could have saved myself a lot of trouble.


My flanges to head sit well on the head but even with good surface area contact, flanges belt sanded flat, and using thick gasket material, I had air leaks. 2 generous layers of spray on copper coat provided a good seal.

I futzed a bit trying o rings but with no groove for them to sit in it was iffy at best getting them positioned properly.

Just passing on what I've tried and failed and what worked.

I like those GS flanges.
well things are somewhat moving along .....I found some pvc connectors to help line up the runners ..they stick in intake port and stick out some so the runners fit on ports at the right spot ... I at least now know where to make bolt hole slot for adjusting the type4 to get best runner length ... it seems it might not be possible to get it the best and still fit the cavity of bike frame where the carb has to be but will really try hard to ....
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=110826#p110826:311t592z said:
joedrum » Sun Feb 23, 2014 12:58 pm[/url]":311t592z]
well things are somewhat moving along .....I found some pvc connectors to help line up the runners ..they stick in intake port and stick out some so the runners fit on ports at the right spot ... I at least now know where to make bolt hole slot for adjusting the type4 to get best runner length ... it seems it might not be possible to get it the best and still fit the cavity of bike frame where the carb has to be but will really try hard to ....
Slotted bolt holes is a great idea.
well brian it seems to working great ... it bright and sunny out but temp is down ..cant stay out to long but it seems I will be marking runners for cut soon ...

yes I think I am going to heat plenum but will get this together first ...then heat ... as it will have to fitted after this in progression of things :builder: :mrgreen:

I know that you know how to cut a piece of pipe but thought this might help someone else following this thread.
For cutting the grab rails I used wood blocks to hold the rail in the vise. Just cut hole in wood using hole saw then cut it in half.
Also I found that fine tooth hacksaw blades do a very nice job on the SS.

[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=110904#p110904:17w3w086 said:
slabghost » Tue Feb 25, 2014 5:40 am[/url]":17w3w086]
Real nice pipe vise.
things were cold today camera didn't work .. I didn't work well ... but runners got cut three came out rather good one is a bit short not to bad but I am not pleased with it myself ...but things happen that were just to hard to get right and mark well ...

It also looks like the grab bar runners will need a 1/4" spacer or a bit more ... to clear everything in the middle ...

maybe tomorrow I will get the hose I need for the type4 ... for the connectors to runner ... once I get all that together I can see what It takes to space the deal off the center section ...

:shock: still in temp shock
ok I am sorry guys .. I have completely lost it on pics or video ... I cant get either one to work ...

but the progress is quite good ... had to spend 20dollars for hose that would work ... small town nothing available deal ... as it turns out I used all the hose but the bell end ... the runners are cut quite good ... as in fit .. but there was no way to equal the lengths up and fit carb in bike frame without cutting ..

the hose I got fit both pieces well .. and on the runners I have 3" plus on each runner ... and all you can get on type 4 also I don't see it leaking with out clamps let alone with them ...

it setting right on the center section thermostat housing ....so I am going to make some spacers out pf something to raise it some ..

so this is where I am at if I can get video posted I will its kind of hard to see things but its a whole lot better than my typing about it ...sheesh :help: :whip: :thank_you:
well ..I just went crazy and pushed all kinds of buttons everywhere and got the camera to work :hihihi:

this shows the radiator hose connector ...it had bends in it I used at the best outlets to get tension free set up ....the runners are quite covered ...if this works out good I will buy some hose and finish it out to the heads .. seems like the best wrap one could have on the runners

I was able to elongate holes that were in grab bar already ...put a centering plug in the heads and get the marks for the cuts on runners there quite tight ... did all this with hand hack saw very good one snap on ...and chain saw file to elongate holes ....

as it is it is right on the thermostat housing ... when it on the bike this made the type4 non movable and rock solid I mat go with that ....we will see how it goes ...today ill be drilling second hole in runner flanges ... I did all the cutting by hand ...it was cold outside and runners and flanges are on the thin side ...about a 1/16" on flange and about 1/32 on runners ....so I took my time and just cut it smoothly and safe by hand ...... :builder: :mrgreen:

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