hooch getting a new fuel source

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carbs looks like its getting turned 90dgrees ...plenty of room on my plate to stout things up ....mix and idle screw acess is much better ... throttle hook up couldn't stay the same anyway ... so I am going to try this .. :builder: :mrgreen:
Looks Great Joe!! In the old day's, i always used hard wood for my carb spacers and adapters as it would not transfer any heat to the carb(very important when you are drag racing) and you can locate it where ya want it!! But i gather you are a wood man anyway :cool:
no V the bowl is facing east- west way....not north-south....that is the deal here ...some think that having carb where bowl is on one side of bike or the other ... the bike can lean enough that the float will flood the carb or short the carb gas ...as the bowl is totally effected with its pivot pin it works on is all one side .....when carb is north-south ...float pivot is still centered and operates .. as you have a float on each side of centerline so this is still brewing with me on witch way I will go ....

but first I am going to try and just mount the old carb I think and try try it to see how the big 1 3/8" ID runners do against the 1" chokes a the type4 outlet and 1 1/4" runners .......weather suppose to turn bad hopefully I can get this done today and fired up to teast the runners difference without anything else added ....
NASCAR and dirt trackers used to run wedges under the carbs to prevent the centripetal force from from causing problems of fuel bowl starvation or overflow in left-only racing (but not so much on high banks). But motorcycles lean, which should counter that, so I would think left-or-right side better to prevent acceleration or braking problems.

"Love 'em all.... Let God sort 'em out!"
i have decided to go all the way on supporting the flange with intake runner distruction to get the perfectly milled piece for runner hold downs ... so back to the hack saw today ... snow everywhere anyway i am staying inside ...i will slice them right at bolt height ...
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=111575#p111575:1utrmbf6 said:
joedrum » Mon Mar 03, 2014 6:55 am[/url]":1utrmbf6]
i have decided to go all the way on supporting the flange with intake runner distruction to get the perfectly milled piece for runner hold downs ... so back to the hack saw today ... snow everywhere anyway i am staying inside ...i will slice them right at bolt height ...
I don't understand Joe.

this is getting the joedrum hand mill work ...its hard to beat a good file and hand this is all done with flat file

well this is otherside

i think this looks sweet i am going for it ... it will take some time to get this ... lots of options here and many beenies that taged along ... me like the looks and the surface area to work with :builder: :thanks: for peeking and commenting :mrgreen:
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=111587#p111587:24yr91u0 said:
joedrum » Mon Mar 03, 2014 11:56 am[/url]":24yr91u0]

this is getting the joedrum hand mill work ...its hard to beat a good file and hand this is all done with flat file

well this is otherside

i think this looks sweet i am going for it ... it will take some time to get this ... lots of options here and many beenies that taged along ... me like the looks and the surface area to work with :builder: :thanks: for peeking and commenting :mrgreen:
Beyond the point of no return now Joe.

That is a very clean look. How will you stick the SS tubes into the flange...JB Weld? Is there an Oring grove on the bottom of that flange?

yes brian the o ring and all will be like stock ...the runner fits in to where the oring lip was once I get it milled in the runner replaces that lip and oring right there ... I am on the second one now this is a lot of trouble and what I had was going to work ... but this just seemed really hard to discount .. the heat transfer will be great this way and travel up the runner nice especially if I cover them to the heads ... this has to help some on the icing deal :builder: :thanks: :heat:
That' a great idea Joe!
I wish I had thought of that when I did mine Instead of just mounting mine on top of cutoff flange.
Super clean look and good function. :good:

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