Joedrum's trip on Hooch

Classic Goldwings

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[url= said:
jpwinger » Thu Jun 18, 2015 4:09 pm[/url]":2ypa8pdd]
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ??????????????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think that means Joe made it there. :headscratch: I don't know.
Are you "back home again in Indiana" Joe?

That's awesome dude!

But I ain't listening to yer griping about rain!

You just got too used to the shorts and flip flops riding in Florida.

:salute: :music: :builder: :party:
Great to see that you are safe home in the woods of French Lick after your riding adventure Joe :good: :clapping:
good morning all ..ive had a chance to sleep......i needed it .....i do not endorse what did on my trip home ...but it sure was the final test in extreme traval testing ....i did about 400 miles in some form of rain ...sometimes just had to stop at bridges and such ....

jpwinger was going to indiana from fla too ..he was taking his truck and trailer ....and jerry pulling empty trailer allowed me to get a new wing project ...

well we had our troubles from time to time ...but the most exciting was the fishtailing stopping into jerrys truck and a semi dang near into me ...great brakes the truck had ...ill let jerry comment on that ...great nothing happen bad to us.....

it rained basicly from tennessee to indiana ....ONE THING FOR SURE C5 NEVER MISSED A LICK THROUGH IT ALL.....moisture test was complete and a suppose weaknees on c5 .... i saw none 400miles of rain was proof running bike ive ever had in the rain ...

talked to jerry after i was down some when he got home im thinking he thinks i did quite the ride ....i also think he thinks hooch is some bike ....I DO TOO....not sure i can take all the credit as many were involve on this forum giving opinions that help along the way ...but hooch sure came out fine...

glad to be home looks like a jungle ....ahhhh home sweet home LOL :thanks:
jpwinger was going to indiana from fla too ..he was taking his truck and trailer ....and jerry pulling empty trailer allowed me to get a new wing project ...

Kudos to yer Joe!

A lot of people would've put Hooch on the trailer and got in the truck with Jerry in all that rain!

And passed on the new project!! :clapping:
GREAT ....... glad to hear your Home Joe , I have missed a lot of this , my Wife has been in the Hospital for 2 weeks ...... coming home this evening i think. . anyway , FINE JOB JOE . :hi:
well this is not a ordinary wing project ....picked up a pto generator that runs on a rather big power tractor thinking about 65 hp might be a bit weak or bottom line of say it weighs 1000 pounds was all the trailer could handle ...making it manditory i ride the bike....who knows i might run the set up with a wing motor ...but its very nice as is ... a tractor can this about any where to use it ...tractors are just behind horses as getting you there lol....the generator is powerful 60,000 kilowatts is set up now with a 200 amp main fuse is on a small trailer as farm equipent gose but has car are fram rim wheels..havnt looked that close at that ...its a gamble last person couldnt get it going ...ill try it looked nice to me inside .. wire is huge and generator is a real continuous rated deal ...ill star anothe thread on it soon and take pics
:0fftopic: (for me)

[url= said:
joedrum » Sun Jun 21, 2015 2:24 pm[/url]":3g1xy0l1]
....the generator is powerful 60,000 kilowatts is set up now with a 200 amp main fuse ....

60 KW.......that is a lot for a Wing engine to push! :shock:

The max our engines are designed for is 59 KW at 7000 RPM (about 81 HP). I wouldn't keep pushing the engine at 7K. BUT, you could also keep the generator de-rated for say maybe 40 KW which I would think would be a walk in the park for a Wing engine. I would think the big issue would RPM; how do you get the wing engine to maintain 60 cycles?
1800 rpm ..load or no load is the deal to do ..cant be that big a deal topic nah long trip in rain over it huge gamble on my part make happy to have gotten the oprotunity to go for it

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