new doghouse under construction.

Classic Goldwings

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Oh yeh, forgot to mention, the paint color on Rhonda has nothing to do what so ever with the paint color on the company cars and did not come from the same place, I swear :cheeky:

And the puppy in the other reply is powered by a single turbo, 6 cylinder, 14 liter (854.33 cubic inch) Series60 Detroit making about 550HP, Electoically speed limited to 100 kilometers per hour (62.137mph) with a max weigth (GVM) of 21,000 kilograms (21 metric ton)(23.14 US ton) and seats 52 passengers and averages 350,000 klm (217,479.9 miles) per year :cool:

We will sell it to you Joe for $200,000 Aussie dollars with only 3.5 million klm (2,174,799 miles) on the clock and the stearing wheel and door is gunna be on the wrong side for you :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: and it's 4 meters (13.12 feet) tall and 14.5 meters (47.57 feet) long so she wont fit in your doghouse :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy:
dan filipi":1a4ygy7g said:
Bus driver?

It says "Coach Captain" on my pay slip, I'm happy with "Steering Wheel Attendant" :lol: :grin: :lol:

Some Aussie humour, lets see if it makes the conversion
Q: What's the differance between a bus and a coach?
A: A coach has a piss pot at both ends :smilie_happy:
joedrum":4dduqx3w said:
you might be a redneck if you come home and catch your son out fishing on the lake in a johnboat with an old recliner chair he was suppose to get rid of

going way off topic now,
If you toss a dead roo on the roof of your house so as the dogs dont get at the cat food, you might, just maybe, be a redneck :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy:
ahh dave the coach will fit right in theres 16ft under roof for at least 20ft wide and the doghouse has been increased to 60ft long ....if you will pay for the shipping i will take it and deal with the driver seat ..... :uparrow: :downarrow: ....who knows one of these days i might make down there and you can take me for a tour in the coach :mrgreen:
I wish I had seen this thread sooner, putting up large buildings is my business. Everyone here has been so helpful getting my new "old" bike running right, I'd like to be able to help someone out with something I know.

lew1701":3afrb29m said:
I wish I had seen this thread sooner, putting up large buildings is my business. Everyone here has been so helpful getting my new "old" bike running right, I'd like to be able to help someone out with something I know.

Thats sweet looking bike you got there :good:
thanks lew just now trying to get all the metal ineed together at least for the roof would be nice to have all the metal green as in your building but im proably going with cover sheets and rainbow stock i can come up with .....i live way out in the country and can do whatever i want for now at least and im going to take advantage of that before we loose that even out here in the country.......

i know what im doing im just physicly tore up and cant work anymore on things that involve push and pull stress without paying a price of pain ....but im still an acomplished drummer and travel a lot .....but im trying to stick it out here at home and get this building done so my son has something to work with before things get to a point of not being able to do for yourself legaly and phisicaly for me

im at the point of passing everything down that i can while i still can anit about me anymore .....time to push the intrest of my tribe and for the cheif to help instead of lead.....
well im back at it since im back from fla. it is sure hot today and coming in the house is like getting in the freezer from the sweat on me ......when jerry was here he took a picture or two of the building maybe he will post them and come back in a month and post some more :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :mrgreen: ive got to get this building done as i have about seven wings to cover up now .....i think im going to stop now for awhile on getting anymore son and i are going to see how well of a wing shop we can put together in part of the building as to have an excellent place for just wing things going on to keep the wonderful bikes alive a long time and push it down to my sons generation .....

anyway got to get the building done first and im going to keep trying to learn how to post pics to put in this thread :laptop: :mrgreen:
Joe, here are the pics:


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its a pretty day so far in southern indiana and im working on the building today till the heat runs me off till in the evening and go at it again ..... broke the drill bit and came down off the roof to get another .....
Wow, man -- just, wow!
I'm a country boy from SW Michigan who grew up on a farm forced from dairy to beef by government regulations -- so, I fully understand your desire, Joe, to live as free from regulation as possible. In fact, I admire the ability immensely, since many of us have the desire without the know-how, or the perseverance.
For better or worse, I was born with what became a genius IQ (no brag -- believe me! It's near worthless! -- just fact), and left it to my brothers -- one of whom is the best mechanic I've ever known, the other an expert power painter -- to undertake physical pursuits. I've won journalism prizes and covered a Super Bowl from the main press box @ the 50-yard line, and have memories to show for it, and now share my memories, like Mr. Chips, with 8yos in a classroom! My brothers, on the other hand, keep producing 'stuff' that other folks actually want!
It's no secret that life has humbled me while building up, in my esteem, the accomplishments of those whom my conceit once deemed to be humble.
Joe, man, be thankful you're reaching a potential that has always been just theory ("Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp..." -- What piffle!) for me. Regret is the worst memory of all. It looks like you'll have none of it!
Tory":1r1u9tzv said:
Tim I am curious if youre brothers are still in the monteray area?
Perhaps I do business with them on a regular basis.
Not Monterey, but both still in Allegan proper. The painter most recently has gone the industrial route, and is (or was, at least, at last posting) unemployed. The mechanic still tinkers at his own pace, but is also a lay preacher, which has become his primary calling.
Know any Sousleys?
Nope,the name doesnt ring a bell.
I service alot of the garages and farms and such in the hopkins,dorr,wayland,hamilton area,just thought I might know them.
(sorry for the hijack joe)
Joe, for a guy who nearly died from Lyme's disease and who gets worn out "easily" you sure get a lot of **** done. You certainly get more done than me. Run off to Orlando and drum all night, come back to Indiana and work on the barn in the heat. And, somehow in between gather up a bunch of Goldwings and get them running.

For those about to Rock (Joedrum), we salute you! :music:
oldhack , andy thanks for the kind words ..... i had all kinds of words of thought typed in as a response to yalls comments but couldnt realy put it together without going astray .....let me just say you become what you practice and the more you practice the more you become it ....

yes i have a lot of pain ....but nothing like the pain ive already known.....i dont have huge plans of life just a simple direction im going and only make sure of my next step .....this all leads to a ++++++ mathmatical presuit with no negative totals....i dont have the health or desire to entertain negativity stuff ....

whats considered the place to be is usealy not....and what considered the place not to be is where i find my most freedom in life and spirit..... :mrgreen:
new load of wood today .....going to try and put it all up .... the heat is suppose to be bad today so i will do what i can starting to get close to being ready for the metal on the roof.....

the roof is going to have a clear clear section all the way through the roof at the very top as a skylight not sure as to how wide its going to be but for sure as wide as ican afford .....there will be end to end side lights all around the building to as to get as much natural light in the building as possible .....this will be a huge energy saver and passive heat system in the winter a building this big it would cost alot of money to equip and light a dark building.....

if anybodys got any thoughts on what kind of stuff to incorperate in the building to make it more efficeint please post ideals already thinking a wing powered generator that could run on gas,propane,hydrogen or maybe the most logical choce for me would be woodgas as i have access to lots of wood and to turn it into gas that the motor can run on is simple.....

so if any body got comments or suggestion please post as i might incorporate them into the building now...... :thanks: :mrgreen:
come on guys just thow ideals out here im not looking at things credicly just ideals to think about....

boy i sure got fried yesterday and the heat won .....i was back in the house at noon and didnt go back out....just to hot

its 7 o clock in the morning and im going out to last as long as i can.... :heat: :mrgreen:

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