new doghouse under construction.

Classic Goldwings

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its a nice day in southern indiana and its out to the doghouse for me as ive some work to do to get resdy for the metal which is coming wensday .....

my daughter is here this weekend maybe i can get her to posts some pics .....anyway things are looking good to get over the hump which is the roof ....after that its down hill and not as credical of an issue time wise .....who knows what i might cover the sides with i sure dont .....sandbags are cheap and grat insulation too :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :mrgreen: you never know or maybe square staw bales ....its fall now im sure icould cover it all and then some with leaves probably 3ft. thick :smilie_happy: immmm i kinda like that leaves are sure cheap ..... :Doh2: :rtfm: :headscratch: :Doh2: :whistling: :mrgreen:
Straw bales are good insulation and easy to stack but too flammable. OSB is relatively cheap and goes up fast. If you do use OSB paint it right away inside and out. Or use the plastic house wrap. If you can find some old barns that have fallen maybe you can get enough wood siding to close it in.
not cheap enough for me slabghost .....this building is big .....if the roof gose well .....maybe ican get more metal and start from there .....i do have a five head molding machine that could dress 4x6 cants to make log cabin walls which could serve sidewalls and insulation ....but thats a lot of work......the best thing out there right now is spray foam insulation but its costly but it fills every crack and leak like no other stuff .....i may set up for it and try and do it later when i can afford it or the price comes down ......

anyway its a nice day in southern indiana .....a bit windy on the roof but i can deal with it .......

im thinking the metal will be here tomarrow maybe so ive got some stuff to do today ....a lot realy

so its outside for me :builder: :builder: :heat: :beer: :builder: :builder: :mrgreen:
metal for the roof is suppose to come tomarrow ready ......i dont even know what color it is ......its a deal from a deal from a deal thats far enough from me to know what color dosnt matter anyway glad to get it even if its pink or somthing

:clapping: :yahoo: :rocks: :party: :builder: :mrgreen:
scdmarx":31qazr9v said:
I wish I could help you out Joe, but this here is the extent of my doghouse builing knowledge.

10x14 I think these are about 8' tall @the center. I was gonna get one for Goldwing parking, but the windshields won't fit through the doors. (Doors too short)

So I ended up doing this for the bikes. 10x20

well, shucks, I went with the same setup, got it at Costco's for 189 bucks.

Word of warning, get some big tent stakes, some 12 ft, 1200lb tie down straps and anchor that puppy down! Thought i had mine anchored down at the bottom of the legs and 2 different times a wind storm messed it up. No more, that baby is staked down good now.

Here's what it looked like before and after.




With all legs strapped down at the top.

Slide show of all the damage pics. ... =slideshow
I think a couple guys here told me that. We don't get tonados or hurricanes here. And this seems about as earthquake proof as you can get. We do get 15-30 mph winds off the ocean, with seasonal gusts upwards of 40 mph. So far This has stayed anchored to the ground with the spikes that came with it, plus on one end it's tied off to the fence posts, and on the inside I burried a brick on each side at the center and tied off from the bricks to the top corners. I do have some damage where the winds have ripped off the little hooks that hook to the poles at the bottom, and some stitching has ripped loose at the lower corners on the end that takes the wind head on. I tie a nylon cord crisscross the front where the wind hits. All that wind blows in a lot of dust, so I still need to throw cheap covers over the bikes or they get terribly dusty. We get a very wet fog here. In the mornings it's normal to wake up to the sound of water dipping off the roof. But it's not raining, it's just the wet fog. The purpose of the tent was to keep the bikes dry and slow the oxidation process. I figured for $189 I'll se how close to 2 years I can get out of it. I sure wish those metal sheds had taller doors. Those are great.
well that dose seem like a problem ....those tents show there limits quick.....

today was a grand day the metal for the roof showed up and i put it on 40 sheets 18ft long just have to fix in the edge peices and a little cutting and scewing together to finish the ends :yahoo: :yahoo: :mrgreen:

luck out and galvinize metal .....i was thinking it might be pink or something for the pice i payed :hihihi:

im glad its on :heat: i still have to do the ridge top .....its going to be clear plastic roofing corigated just like the metal ....with about a three foot skylite the length of the building ....

anyway ill try to get some pics up somehow soon :smilie_happy: :mrgreen:
Sounds like the roof is coming along nicely. Now get us some pics. You're running behind!! :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy:

Yea, these shelters don't like wind over 20 mph. I believe both times I got hit with gust over 40.
every once in awhile i amaze myself .....the doghouse is realy looking good and i can see its going fit the bill it was suppose to rained here this morning and finaly stop so i could scew off the not so steep side of the roof going to have to wait to do the steep side its just to wet and still has some oil on the sheets from manufactoring process......

being on top of the roof scewing it off made it clear that im over the top of the hill and its downhill from here to the finish.....

my wife says she is bringing someone out to teach me the computer stuff i need to know to post pics and videos :help: :heat: :mrgreen:
Hey joedrum!
Finally got back around these parts of the interwebz... Sounds like you are making good progress now!
If you still have my e-mail, send me a pic and I'll post it up here for ya.
very good and wonderful fall day to work on the doghouse done for the day .....its looking good i will try to get some pics soon ...... :help: :laptop: :Awe: :mrgreen:
worked on the doghouse all day .....great day in southern indiana.....looks like its going to take me a week to get all the bracing in the roof and get rid of the center supports ....lots of ladder work and heavy boards all red oak they seem to weight as much as steel ....but its strong and realy going to hold the span of the roof ....i hope to get some pictures up when the the bracing all in and the span is clrear out 36ft wide 16ft tall .....boy im tried red oak is heavy :builder: :heat: :mrgreen:
joedrum":220c8f9s said:
36ft wide 16ft tall ..... :builder: :heat: :mrgreen:

Sounds like you're working on an ark?
Let me know when you start loading animals. :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy:
i do plan on having a living comunity of of self sustaining life that revolves around nature and god everything we need is provided by god not man only trys to take things from god away from others .....iwill have no part in it that i can do something about pariot of jesus .....all of my amusement comes from the religion of gov deceavers and parisites and scientific ignorance of the turth :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :mrgreen:
joedrum":mnrrsmuo said:
i do plan on having a living comunity of of self sustaining life that revolves around nature and god everything we need is provided by god not man only trys to take things from god away from others .....iwill have no part in it that i can do something about pariot of jesus .....all of my amusement comes from the religion of gov deceavers and parisites and scientific ignorance of the turth :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :mrgreen:
I whole heartedly agree! Every year we add to our collection of fruit, herb, berry, nut and vegetable plants here. We really enjoy the fruits of our labors in so many ways. My version of your doghouse is just a triple wide carport. Still have whiney jealous neighbors. :builder:
My Hats off to you Joe......... you make me feel like I'm doing nothing..... can't wait to see pictures. :music:
just now i got all the bracing down out of the center of the building ......clear standing 36'x60' .....its time to take pictures now even if i have to get someone to do it :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: im realy happy how its coming out totaly out of skews and taking a ride to the nearest big town about 35 miles away to get more .....its a nice day and sould be fun :mrgreen: pics soon as i can put it together :help: :mrgreen:
36 X 60 is a NICE building , you should be able to build anything in there Joe..or maybe get in there and just Jam Out. ... :music2: :music:
right on both counts sledge .....isould be able to build about anything and have a heck of a jam party .....but there lots of sides left to do im looking into all posibilities for this next step and i mean all .....theres no telling what i might come up with :smilie_happy: :mrgreen:

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