new doghouse under construction.

Classic Goldwings

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i have a well ...and with the property being so close to the lake i dont see it ever running out .....with the bills that are in congress the gov want to vote in all the rites to everybodys water supply as an attemp to steel private water sypply so your ideal is not a bad ideal at all especaly since the building has a natural fall with the grade that would make collecting water a snap like it was design for it ......thanks rhino i hadnt thought about how easy this could be done and the fact that gravity could power the system to most other parts of the dwellings on the would be a great supply of water in times of no power....
well here it is 11:53 and im done for the day its way to hot for me ......i had a couple good days temp wise and got a lot done ......but the heat is back and im moving slow and down shifting to stop the only two gears i have in this heat....but on the good side there is wood to work with and all i have to do is wait till i can put in 2 or three hrs. and wait till early morning the next day .....

im still wanting suggestions on what i could incorperate into the building as to make it off the grid as possible .....

ross rhino comments on collecting water has got me thinking in that direction and im going to expand on his ideal ....there are all kinds of power sorces that work well ........
joedrum":20vnnhfo said:
well here it is 11:53 and im done for the day its way to hot for me ......i had a couple good days temp wise and got a lot done ......but the heat is back and im moving slow and down shifting to stop the only two gears i have in this heat....but on the good side there is wood to work with and all i have to do is wait till i can put in 2 or three hrs. and wait till early morning the next day .....

im still wanting suggestions on what i could incorperate into the building as to make it off the grid as possible .....

ross rhino comments on collecting water has got me thinking in that direction and im going to expand on his ideal ....there are all kinds of power sorces that work well ........
Joe, I have been real busy, but I might have some ideas for you later. I will get back to you ASAP!
well its sunday today and my turn to preach at church .....most in the church love it when i preach because i never prepare at all ....kinda like the way i run my life but it looks like a nice day today and after church im going to hit the building hard if the weather stays cloudy....what a great change this will be from the scorching heat thats dam near melted me ......

i hope everybody has a great day today especaly scdmarx in cal. on fixing his 83 appencade looks like his job is as big as my doghouse at the monment
I wish I could help you out Joe, but this here is the extent of my doghouse builing knowledge.

10x14 I think these are about 8' tall @the center. I was gonna get one for Goldwing parking, but the windshields won't fit through the doors. (Doors too short)

So I ended up doing this for the bikes. 10x20
Well, I'm just a recalcitrant SOB, so I settled for battling 90+ temps this weekend to get a Sunsetter awning installed over part of my patio -- which has otherwise been too hot to enjoy AT ALL during this summer's oppressive heat (my outdoor thermometer over the patio pavement registers 120+ most days!).
I have nothing but utmost respect for those who labor outdoors daily regardless of weather conditions.
But, I'm nothing short of proud that my weekend project is fully functional without re-jiggering, despite the adverse installation conditions.
Now, if I could just get a bike on the road... :?:
yep tim its nice when you get something done with your hands and the outcome is completly satisfactory .....condition of working outside have been hot ...

i also admire teachers espesaly the ones whos journey has taught them not to judge others on there lack of what they have more time in .....from reading your posts it seems to me thats where your at took me forever to learn that dicounting things of the world is easy and leads to only to bad attituded when in that same situation ther was good to see that leads to contemptment and joy .....

its a nice day today so im out to the doghouse ......
My Hat is OFF to you Joe........ that is a fine looking building , but a LOT of work. I think you have a good plan in life my friend. :music3:
thanks sledge , tim , ross and ron was nice all day today and i used up all the lumber that i had and now have to just come up with 18 12ft 2x4s ......and think i got it covered to get some tommarrow and after those boards are up the roof is ready for metal ..... its almost like i can see the light at the end of the tunnel for the first time since i started this last winter ....

im still looking for suggestions and dose anybody know any thing about steam boilers .....steam has always fascinated me as a power sorce and is hugely deverseifiable for a lot of things during the long winter months here ......
joedrum":33hjugx7 said:
thanks sledge , tim , ross and ron was nice all day today and i used up all the lumber that i had and now have to just come up with 18 12ft 2x4s ......and think i got it covered to get some tommarrow and after those boards are up the roof is ready for metal ..... its almost like i can see the light at the end of the tunnel for the first time since i started this last winter ....

im still looking for suggestions and dose anybody know any thing about steam boilers .....steam has always fascinated me as a power sorce and is hugely deverseifiable for a lot of things during the long winter months here ......
Steam is fun, but can be dangerous! I love steamboats, steamships, steam get the idea. But steam as a power source and heat is great.

One of the tankers I was on was built in 1926 and we had a very large cast iron stove that operated by a carb (big bowel with diesel fuel feed to it). When we needed heat to cook, you turn up the fuel and wait......once the cooktop was cherry red, you started cooking. There was a large copper coil that ran through the oven and up the exhaust pipe and then to a heat exchanger which is where we got our hot water from.

If you use a boiler, you can use wood, coal, propane, gas, corn pellets etc..Once you have steam, you can use it for heat, turn a turbine to get power (steam generator) which can them produce electricity for the barn and when used with an ammonia refridgerant, you can make air conditioning or a refridgerator. (Check out the ones used in the new campers, they are AC powered when on shore power or generator, DC powered when on battery and propane powered when on gas.)
gerry this sounds very good to me .....and im leaning this way but im going to have to learn a lot more on this as how to make one ....some yrs ago i had a chance to get one for nothing but it was big and didnt do it was propane powered and was used for steam heat in a factory ...i would think that the biggest obstical would be a stout enough tank this might be hard thing come up with now and to figure out the ideal size to be big enough and effichant the turbine powered generator sounds makeable

thanks for your input gerry i will see what ican find out on this
thanks gerry for the info and link ......gerry i have a huge air compresser made in 1942 has a HD looking compresser on it and requires 10 horse 3 phase motor to operate it seems to me if the tank was the boiler and was heated and steam pushed pushed the compresser it would operate as a steam engine would just have to block the other side of the compresser and exhast through the air intakes of the seems the valves sould work perfect for steam timing i would think ...the tank is plenty thick enough and theres already a relesf valve on the tank ....might have to change the pluming to make the steam push though the intakes maybe and the only other thing to consider would be rather the heat of the steam might be to much on some of the parts ......

what do you think???? is this crazy or am i on track in my thinking
The only issue with just a tank is how the water is boiled? I suppose it could be converted to a giant hot water heater with the fire at the underside of the tank and the appropriate safety valves. Here is a simple boiler design:

The compressor could easily be converted just like in the previous video. With a belt attached to a large flywheel or direct shaft connection to a generator you should be able to make quite a bit of electricity and domestic hot water. BTW 10 hp = 7 kw of power. With steam, that could easily be exceeded!

Formula - 1 hp = 0.746 kw
well it seems building an effiecent boiler is somewhat big job ....but im going to keep looking in to it ....i want something that works for power with the least amount of danger im still considering everything
If you have rocks available to build a chimney you could plumb it to spray water in the top to create a swamp cooler to cool the entire building during hot summers. A gas water heater could be converted to being fired with wood and the hot water circulated through the floor to keep it both dry and warm in the winter. If you close in the ceiling inside you can vent heat through turbine fans out the roof which could power small generators to recharge batteries to power lighting after dark. The same space could be used to heat water pumped through black pipes in the sunlit areas of the roof. Just a few ideas.
thats some interesting ideals slabghost to think about your saying to run water over the rocks to cool them or take the heat out of the building though the chimmey i guess or am i off track :?:

im diffenitly looking into wind and solar lighting and power things ....
joedrum":3mc1gnwd said:
thats some interesting ideals slabghost to think about your saying to run water over the rocks to cool them or take the heat out of the building though the chimmey i guess or am i off track :?:

im diffenitly looking into wind and solar lighting and power things ....
The water evaporating from the rocks cools the air. Cooler air is heavier and drops to the bottom out into the building.
wow my son just showed up with more lumber for the building and it looks like the metal going to show up to tomarrow its back to the doghouse .....this is great news to me and i love it when its at my house going to jump on it like a dog on a bone

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