new doghouse under construction.

Classic Goldwings

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and the Cold is on the way soon...... I hate to see it too . . . . Cold Damp weather kills me...... makes all my Hurties Hurt.
joedrum":fxzczms4 said:
gosh sure need to get some pics up ive done a lot .....its been nice working lately trying to get a lot done before the cold :mrgreen:

YES! I'd love to see more pics Joe.
sorry no pics yet....i have monted a chain hoist to one of the trusses i made and have tested the strenth of it in the middle 18' from any support ......looks to me like i could pull a goldwing right up and put it about 16' in the air ....the chain hoist weighs about 30-40 pounds and was quite the task just hanging it on the truss.....i have one end of the building all framed up and the doors are going to be doubled doors about 18' wide and 18' tall will be quite awhile before i make the doors probably next spring unless i come up with some funds on a quicker pace....or for that matter even the sides .....i just have to have pateince that things will come together and when the last screw gets put in it will all be payed for ...hoping to get pics up soon :mrgreen:
yeah its coming along ....getting the roof on was a big deal ....a lot of peple around here thought it was not going to take the weight to convince the naysayers i put the chain hoist in the middle of one of the trusses i made and pulled the 83 1100 off the ground and over my head that was about 600 lbs ...that drop the jaws of the on looking naysayers.....

still a lot of work to do happy about where its at though and in the dry from above
what can i say gerry ....nothing....the only thing worst than me trying to put up a pic is me trying to get help to do no good at either :Awe: :read: :help: :rtfm: :Doh2: :rtfm: :Doh2: :swoon: :mrgreen:
Joe,If you have even a cheap digital camara I believe you can take it to any walgreens and have the pics sent to any other walgreens where another member can get a disc and post them for you :heat: ......I think
great day in southern indiana ...working on the doghouse today for the first time in a month it seems time to zip the end up to the top about 24ft up i will put some pics up later today if i can get it done on the computer....
dan filipi":2ydl1qam said:
Wish I could be there to help you out, looks like quiet country you live in would be a nice change from L.A

Keep the pics coming as you go!
Yes me too...
joedrum":lse05tki said:
some pics of my doghouse for me and my stuff :mrgreen:

this is a picture of the trusses that i built for the doghouse, which is going to be thirty six feet by forty eight feet. :builder:

this was my old dog house, but i decided i needed a bigger one :mrgreen:

this is a picture of my jig table for building my trusses.
i hope to get the building done soon.
but unfortunatley my crew sucks.
that would be me.
i dont get alot done without having to hook up to the battery charger. :builder: :heat: :lazy:
and repeat :builder: :heat: :lazy:
That's all I ever wanted right there..Peaceful
thanks beave.....things have come a long ways since those pics .......the snow is finaly gone now and replaced by rain ....were in slosh season....its cool though with the roof done on the doghouse im working on the 83 ....

im just waiting on some better conditions to get back to work on the doghouse looking to about just move in there with hings i want to do in life now :mrgreen:
well the weather has finaly got to where i can work some i was able to come with some 4x4 hardwood post type material that was used in transporting large pipes on semi trailors...theres lots of nails and wedges to get off ...this isnt easy being hardwood ....but ill get through it and the price of 0$ for all this id say 150 or more makes for some real out of thin air it comes to get back to work.... :builder: :mrgreen:
Ohhhhhhhh I Understand Completely Joe , thats how I do everything I do , on a ( Limited Income ) me and my wife are both retired ,.. or as a friend of mine calls it , RETIREDED ... which is close to RETARDED but with a little higher IQ :smilie_happy: but let me say your Dog House is VERY Impressive ... you do fine work my friend. , we are coming up to Spencer In. in July on a Teardrop meet ... we have been talking about maybe meeting you somewhere for a Burger or something , like on the way back.... if your Interested . how far is that from you ???
spencer is due north of me maybe forty miles or so probably right on the way or very close coming from kentuctky .....if you get a map out and find patoka lake just south of french lick 15 miles or so i live on that lake sure i could find some level spot for your teardrop for a few days ....sounds good sledge... :mrgreen:
you might want to check this Teardrop meet out Joe.... it's gonna be July 15th thru 17th , and McCormick's Creek State Park in Spencer In. as of right now there are 91 Teardrops , ( about 180 people ) signed up to be there and it's still early yet. it's called the Crossroads of America , Tearjerkers meet . . We have been members of this Teardrop club since 2005 , and have camped in 15 states in our Teardrop. it's a nice group of people , I've never seen a problem in all these years . just pretty much middle aged people who don't want to spend a train load of Cash to just go out Camping for a long weekend. . . . but even if you don't want to drop by there , maybe we could park the Teardrop at your place for a night before we head back home..I'd love to see your Goldwings , . Mapquest says , 420 miles eachway from here at the house to Spencer In. . . .and yes, it looks like we'll be coming right by your place pretty close. anyway.... we'll see how this all goes , I'll keep you up on how it's going... Thanks for the offer my friend.

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