notes for ol mate Trumpy.....

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The 14th amendment keeps lawyers and bankers from ever holding office ...our country buried this ..and is the biggest reason America is so corrupted now ...with its economy and country ran for the benefit of foreign antichrist scum ...not a nation under God at all ...rather easy to see how worthless things are
[url= said:
PurpleGL1200I » Thu Aug 10, 2017 8:37 am[/url]":asa7ig66]
[url= said:
slabghost » Thu Aug 03, 2017 8:15 am[/url]":asa7ig66]
Funny both were outsiders to the system.
Systems tend to perpetuate themselves because it's good (read profitable) to be an insider. Term limits is the best solution to the systemic problem, but do not expect any :sensored: politicians to vote themselves out of a job!
Term limits are actually built in to the system. If people would simply vote for the new guy.
[url= said:
dan filipi » Thu Aug 10, 2017 4:15 am[/url]":2azgioe8]
Trump needs to shut the hell up or he's going to start a panic. This North Korea **** is concerning.
Yup, his threatening of Korea is disturbing. Like it or not, any country can have any weapon they want.
Babbling on about fire and fury ain't helping anyone. It was in the fifties that the US and AU had troops on the ground in Korea. And failed to take control. No lesson learned from the fiasco in Vietnam either.
Trump is proving to be every bit as unstable as the Korean leader. An extremely uncomfortable combination.......
Yep he needs to get away from the central bank scum of the earth people ...I would be ashamed if one of my kids went and fought for these worthless antichrist scumfucks of central banking that even has America and Aussie land in there control ...
This north korean leader has always threatened us as did his demented daddy before him. The entire missile program has been a threat to us. And somehow our threats are upsetting the tea cart? Has the world forgotten if you don't stand up to bully's you fall before them? Just how is Trumps assurance we can and will stop you a sign of his instability? Granted we just finished 8 years of apologies to the world from the previous admin. But that does not mean we are not able or willing to defend ourselves.
I'm all for standing up to the bully, it's how he's going about announcing it which could provoke North Korea. This North Korea dude, whatever his name is, likes the attention and I think if Trump went about things quietly he would get a lot less of it.
KimjongUn or however his name is spelled. Has felt provoked by the western countries particularly America since he was a child. Nothing has ever placated or calmed this in him. Absolute silence would be seen as provocation to him. His power in his country has been, is and always will be absolute. There is no path to friendly relations with him.
He's got the short mans complex, among a **** load of other problems. NO OFFENSE to short people!! But he is a small, short, fat, spoiled little brat, that needs his little ass paddled!
North Korea aside ( and all we can hope is that common sense prevails on that subject ) some of the problems , as i see it , with Trump is this.

he is not used to having to answer for his every move and statement.
he is used to all around him, agreeing with him , ( or be fired )
he has never served the US public, and is finding it difficult .
his attacks on some sections of the media are not only embarrassing but downright cringe worthy.
( on the flip side , when he is criticised , he MUST rise above it. but he cannot)

some of his behaviour on the world stage , has been hard to watch. he is not a statesman, and so far in my opinion, has been bloody disgraceful.

maybe he will learn to act with a higher level of statesman like attitude , and learn to treat others with respect. but i doubt it.
but, never a dull moment........ :popcorn:
Your points against him are actually his strengths. He is exactly the sort of politician that was envisioned by those who wrote our constitution. So his attacks on the media are cringeworthy. Great! Better than the sickening, fawning love affair the media had with prez O. As far as treating others with respect. First respect is something that is earned and second he holds the highest office in the country. If the media and others cannot respect him for that accomplishment. Why should he even feign respect for them?
America is a complete corrupted mess ....there has been no statesman of any count as president since Kennedy...the meridian is strait up propaganda and lies my opinion we need trump just as he is ...there's not much going on in America that deserves respect...we have people in politics that are flat murderers .....the goverment is a swamp ...and the federal reserve banks are just global hell that needs done away with ...we don't need nation killers in our country at all
I think he makes himself look like an idiot the way he repeatedly takes shots at the media in the same interview, and often repeatedly in the same reply to an answer. Same how he repeats things. I suppose that's a tactic in business to make competition look lesser or something.
i think i can see how someone like trump can be a refreshing breath of fresh air, in a political world. we , here in australia, are not immune to such political characters.
but, to address the French presidents wife with the comment of how she is in great shape ?
to sack any aide who disagrees with him, or speaks out of turn ?
he is the elected president and should be treated with the respect that office deserves, but almost every time he opens his mouth he invites the wrath of some parts of the media, and then cries FAKE NEWS...
and the tweets.... :read:
he brings disrespect to the office, he acts like a spoilt ******* child when rebuked, and i truly believe that if he doesn"t start lifting his game ,
he risks losing the next election.
and now , via the news here , he is copping flak for failing to denounce recent violence in Charlottesville.
he is bright. he is smart. but he says the stupidest ******* things. he makes George w Bush look like a rhodes scholar.
who is advising this clown ? no one ?
The news is ran by the owners of it ....they are nation killers and there news is fake and lies ...our goverment is full of double citizens that are not America first there federal reserve bank first...and the bankers are all nation killers and want global goverment ....they fight wars with our young for this foreign banks interest ...our nation has been attack by these bank payed terrorist many times ...there has been many false flag killing backed by our corrupted goverment ...we the people of America ...have had enough of all the lies and manipulation being done by the payed off fake news scum....they are scum ...the goverment and the federal reserve bank are not working for the betterment of the people period ....this is no game and America is sick of these nation killer scumfucks and foreigners in our goverment period ...the United Nations needs to get the **** out of our country too ....a farmer was arrested a couple days ago for tilling his own ground ....the nation killers are paying people to riot ...the cops only go after the whites and blame them ...the goverment and fake news scum are the biggest race batters out there ...trump is the right man for America period ....the swamp scum people must go or go to prison ...the antitrust going on in America is at a rabid state period mister manners is going to fix this it takes a man with balls and a mouth bigger than the scum mouth nation killers and total racist I see it
[url= said:
aussiegold » Thu Aug 17, 2017 3:07 am[/url]":72w34wfa]
i think i can see how someone like trump can be a refreshing breath of fresh air, in a political world. we , here in australia, are not immune to such political characters.
but, to address the French presidents wife with the comment of how she is in great shape ?
to sack any aide who disagrees with him, or speaks out of turn ?
he is the elected president and should be treated with the respect that office deserves, but almost every time he opens his mouth he invites the wrath of some parts of the media, and then cries FAKE NEWS...
and the tweets.... :read:
he brings disrespect to the office, he acts like a spoilt ******* child when rebuked, and i truly believe that if he doesn"t start lifting his game ,
he risks losing the next election.
and now , via the news here , he is copping flak for failing to denounce recent violence in Charlottesville.
he is bright. he is smart. but he says the stupidest ******* things. he makes George w Bush look like a rhodes scholar.
who is advising this clown ? no one ?
Thank you, Aussiegold! I know quite a few people in several countries around the world, and they all feel pretty much the same way. They wonder about the intelligence and mentality of Americans - how could we let a hateful, childish, perverted fool become president. Much of the world is laughing at us, or crying for us.
Like Quigley said, we threw all the Kings soldiers as well as the aristocrats they had running Europe out of our country. The truth is we thought we escaped all the ********, but the powers that be see no profit in we the people. Are trying their best to bring that cradle to grave i'll take care of you ******** the POMIES are
on board with trying to ram down our throats!!!I think the guy just might be a throw back, to what we once were. A country with the balls to say shove it up your ass, to mother england.
[url= said:
aussiegold » Thu Aug 03, 2017 1:06 am[/url]":3vvkrn3i]
Trump is news and he was elected. but the general consensus among people i know, is he is a *******.

Is that true? Or did you hear it on CNN?

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