well, this is an old thread now.
but the trump shitshow rolls on. who is advising this feller ? or is he just bowling along , a loose cannon.. ?
how this unstable knobhead got elected is weird enough, but almost daily , we here in Australia get news of more and more
of his nutty behaviour.
paying off porn stars, hurricanes in Alabama , where do ya start ? its as if he has his own take on reality...... and the tweets.
oh deary me, the ******* tweets......
impeachment ? wont happen, but they will make him uncomfortable. and they should. how , in any way , anyone can still
support this nutter , is beyond me.
he has single handedly , debased the entire office and made the USA a laughing stock.
but, he is entertaining..........
but the trump shitshow rolls on. who is advising this feller ? or is he just bowling along , a loose cannon.. ?
how this unstable knobhead got elected is weird enough, but almost daily , we here in Australia get news of more and more
of his nutty behaviour.
paying off porn stars, hurricanes in Alabama , where do ya start ? its as if he has his own take on reality...... and the tweets.
oh deary me, the ******* tweets......
impeachment ? wont happen, but they will make him uncomfortable. and they should. how , in any way , anyone can still
support this nutter , is beyond me.
he has single handedly , debased the entire office and made the USA a laughing stock.
but, he is entertaining..........