Otay folks...it's RUNNING. Well...not right at the minute, but it will start/run now. Stay wid me, this is gunna get confusing as hell....I think.
So, I get home, pull the cover off the pulse generator, and check the air gap. One side was actually hitting, the other was far closer than I set it. Don't know what happened, or how, but both generator air gaps had closed up. I managed to get a screwdriver up in there, loosen the screws, and put some gap on them. Dint measure it, just opened them up. Cranked on it, annnnnnd.....same thing....sputter/pop, BUT...the pops were louder, and more consistent, so the air gap WAS causing a problem. As a last resort, I remembered a conversation I had with Dan 3 years ago when I was fighting the same fight. He had suggested swapping the primary wires on the coils, in an effort to see if the ignition timing was 180deg off. So, I swapped the wires on the coil. NOT the actual plug wires, the power/primary wires TO the coils. Hit the start switch, and.......VRRRRROOOOM! B :sensored: h fired right up!
I know what yer all sayin...."I TOLD ya the dang plug wires were crossed, dummy!"

Yeah...several folks said that, but here's the thing. I did NOT move the plug wires side/side....
I'm absolutely POSITIVE of this. Besides....my wires have numbered tags on them, and I checked...they are all where they s'posed to be. Also checked them AT the coils, and all four are in the proper locations, according to the service manuals. #4 on far left of left coil, #2 on left terminal of right coil, etc. I also did NOT mess with ANY other wires on the bike, other than the ones I listed earlier. Dint removed any of the plug wires from the coils, dint take any of the other wires off the coils, nuttin.
So...how the HELL did my timing get 180deg out?????
In talking with Dan this evening, we discussed the possibility of putting the pulse generators in the wrong locations on the advance plate(Swapping them from side/side). Not possible...the wiring will not allow it. I looked at the pics I took of the generators on dis-assembly, and upon re-assembly...they are correct.
And, the best pic I could get with the engine in the bike this evening...
No problems here.
Now what? The rotor is pinned to the shaft....no way to get that wrong, BUT...there's a
possibility that I put the actual rotor onto the "advancer" assembly wrong. Service manual states to "line up rotor tooth with cutout on advancer".
If I somehow got the rotor on wrong, then THAT'S what the problem is/was. I don't feel like removing the engine to see if that is even possible, so I'm going with that for now.....I screwed up, but just don't know for sure WHAT the heck I screwed up. :hihihi:
Anyway, the turd is alive again! I fired it up while talking to Dan on the fone, so I have a witness. :BigGrin:
I'll put all the crap I took off of it tonite back on tomorrow evening. On the bright side, there are NO leaks on it so far. No coolant, or oil. Last time, I had a coolant leak from the water pump as soon as I put coolant in it, but this time all is well.....so far. At least this time I was smart enough to see if it would start/run BEFORE putting EVERYTHING back on the bike, like I did last time. :hihihi:
THANKS for all the info/suggestions/support. :salute: