Saturday update:
After spending the mernin at the tax place, I manages to finish putting the carbs back together, and leak-checking them again. Success! :yahoo: No leakys this time. Only issue I saw was the #2 carb did not have an accelerator squirt. The other 3 did, but I may have not had enough fuel still in the #3 bowl to get all the way to that carb.
I set all of the throttle blades(bench synch) by using a micrometer. Measured from the throat of the #3 carb to the throttle blade, then set the other 3 to the same measurement. #2 carb took a while to get just right, but by golly I got all of them set exactly the same. It should start/run with no issues well enough to do the final adjustments easily.
Once the carbs were done, I tied them onto the chassis, and rolled the engine out to get it set onto the jack. Had to take a couple o snaps of it first... :yes:
And here we go!! Sliding the heartbeat of the Turd back into place....
Had to try to take a decent pic of the driveshaft snap-ringy thingy...
And it's DONE...sorta..
All mounted up, most of the ancillaries done(carbs bolted down, fuel lines connected, tach/clutch cables, wiring.etc). In fact, if I could find the missing 2 sparkle plugs, it would prolly fire up as it sits. Guess I'll hafta go tomorrow and get a new set of plugs, and some erl to put in it. I'm gunna make sure the dang thing is guna fire off and run before getting it completely re-assembled. Fire it up and let it run a minute or two, then finish assembling the rest. If all goes well(yeah...right...

oh2: ), it should be back in service before the end of the month, which was kinda my original deadline/goal. Lotsa minor stuff still to be done, but it's getting closer! :yahoo: :moped: