V's Hooched out dresser get's a fuel source

Classic Goldwings

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this is a pic of how im getting to the heads with gas charge from ...this is not hose pieces i am using but is the kind of lose ...this is some tuff hose
more sucky pics




well i hope you get the ideal ...from here .. i will finish up the runners one at a time ...carb well stay reight where it is .....got leather gaskets for the intake horns .. also some metal sleeves will go inside rubber hose the length of it so fuel charge will be in metal the full way to intake horns .... :builder: :thanks:
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=134985#p134985:144n6dvd said:
joedrum » Wed Nov 05, 2014 4:49 pm[/url]":144n6dvd]
.. also some metal sleeves will go inside rubber hose the length of it so fuel charge will be in metal the full way to intake horns ....

Question, Joe. If you are putting a sleeve inside the rubber tubing/hose the entire length of the runners, why use the rubber at all? Is it because the "sleeves" you are going to use are just really thin, and wouldn't support the weight of the carb/plenum, or is there a size(diameter) issue, or what? I unnerstand the desire to protect the rubber hoses from the fuel as much as possible, and that's a good idea. Just curious as to why you would need both, unless you're just trying to get it running so you can sort out all the final details. :good: :mrgreen:
i really had no problem with the hose by itself ...but with the sleeve that fits the hose perfectly it will give support at rubber intake horns to clamp down on better than hose by itself ...it is like very thin chrome bathroom sink drain trap pieces for a plumbing showing...like on a pedestal sink ... i never had any issues with this hose and fuel ...but i think its about the best there is out there for hose...i just came across for free ....i am rather confident everything will seal up nice now as compared to way i did it before with hose ..that had to bend some ..this hose on this build ..is all strait runs ....
ok time to go over things some on jyd ...the manifold when originally built was dont in 1" ID runners....it was built by someone at ngw and v purchased it from them.....it was made with a uphill runner path ..where any raw fuel wold go back to plenum area ...i would say this was done in a attemp to keep raw fuel from running into cylinders i guess but on side staand there is no way the pitch was great enough for that to work well ...also had ends welded on to fit stock runners they were a bit tight and not grooved to rubbers very good ... but well done anyway....very well made piece ...but i didnt work good...i never tried it V did .....the plenum area was thin and the carb just shot right into the bottom turning gas charge right back to raw ...in my view....

so this will be interesting set up with basiclly 1 1/4" runners to the plenum ..and then narrowed down to 1" outlets into main plenum area ....then high rised with 1to2 transition piece and carb ... soon to be tried :builder:
made small progress today got the intake button up ..basically ready to try on a temporary tank feed .... it seems good ...suppose to get warmer in a few days .. might try it then :thanks:
Another fine joedrum "Hoochwing Limited Edition" coming down the line!! :clapping:
pic here to test the canera today and this is about to be tried ...i really like how stable it is ... i will do more to insure it but its reall y good as is ..nice a level with motor.....this will also be a test for leather gaskets there everywhere a gasket was needed intake horns included
:builder: :thanks:

oops forgot pic... :hihihi: