Recovered the seat.
[url= said:joedrum » Fri Mar 13, 2015 3:25 pm[/url]":3ikfhb75]
it still rides ...there a bright side here :mrgreen:
[url= said:
Just make sure that you don't blind yourself with all that extra light Randy :smilie_happy:[url= said:Omega Man » Sun Mar 15, 2015 12:10 pm[/url]":3fdhufqd]
Installed my new to me fuse box cover after a little modding. $11 on FleaBay and it even came with the fuses and fuse puller on the inside. I also troubleshooted my LEDs that failed catastrophically a few days ago. One of the grounds were loose causing one strip to flicker, and I realized the 5 amp fuse on the fuse box accessory connections was just too low to handle the lights so I put a 10 amp in there and problem solved. The LEDs are the only thing on the accessory circuit so I feel confident in doing so.
This may not be a big deal to most of you out there but it's HUGE for me. I feel like I just fixed the space shuttle. :BigGrin:
Oh look it's dark now, think I'll take a cruze. CeeYa! :moped:
[url= said:CRAFTMAN6001 » Sat Mar 14, 2015 10:23 pm[/url]":3v2c1jyr]
Started on the bike after the trip to the DR. here is what the front end looks like now. Haven't gotten the new front emblem on yet but I did get everything else handled today. Started around 1:30 pm finished up at 12:00am.. :lazy: When I get up I'll put the LEDS in. Waiting on the mail Monday for the rest of the parts..