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Classic Goldwings

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Just,put 853,on her,mount Vernon Illinois to sandwich Illinois and Kewanee, and solo riding,that camper pulls great at 80mph..


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I got the tires changed, now the front fork seals gave up! 😅
I've got replacement seals, so now I have to pull it all apart again. . .
Last weekend, I took the bike out of hibernation. Changed oil and filter, topped up the coolant, added air to the tires. Turned the key and... nothing. Battery was on a tender all winter and the cells went dry. Got a sealed battery from my Interstate distributor and rode to work (50 miles round trip, all highway) all 3 days so far this week. Fueled up last night, so the over-winter gas is gone and now got fresh. God, it's a great time of year when I get to ride again. Stay safe, Dave
Fired the old girl up. She started right up, and the three yellow wires went up in smoke! Was thinking about selling anyhow. Make me an offer.
Results of the scan are no metastatic disease (in the bones).
Hang in there. Just finished 28 radiation treatments May 9. You hear all the scary side effects, all I had was fatigue and had to get a pill to pee. Fatigue hit all at once, right at the end, mostly recovered now. You are gonna be fine.
Oh, yeah Dr has put me on a no ride restriction for 6 weeks. Plus no ride 48 hours before follow up blood work. Don't wanna shake that thing up and get a bad\inaccurate reading on the PSA.
I prefer to get it all cut out. Radiation (even protons) always leave a bit of collateral area damage, and at least my bowels function well. Also, if any gets away from the knife, rad can be used - not vice versa. Surgeon has said only one month after surgery until able to ride. We have a proton center in Knoxville, and I know some of the people there. Wishing the best for both of us!
Fired the old girl up. She started right up, and the three yellow wires went up in smoke! Was thinking about selling anyhow. Make me an offer.
That was May 4th. Yesterday I repaired the commutator wires, and when I went to start her, no dice. After some troubleshooting I figured out the starter solenoid is bad, and ordered a new one. Ripped the old one apart, to find it totally corroded internally. I really don't like working on things any more, but I'm too cheap to pay someone else for things I (should be) able to do myself. See ya.
Finally got the driveway drivable again.
I live on a rock. During heavy rain water runs off the mountain like flushing a toilet.
This last storm that blew up from the gulf a few days ago carved a 2' deep canyon down my driveway. Not very wide, but a lot of unavoidable switchbacks. Mama got her car stuck in the mud. That was fun!
Nothing 5 gallons of gas and a day on the tractor couldn't solve. The driveway is almost a quarter mile long. There's even still some of the gravel left on it.
I'm sore. Time to open a jar of rheumatiz medicine.


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Replaced the starter solenoid and started her right up. Charging circuit good - 14v @ 2k rpm. Put her all back together and test ride about 8 miles. Longer ride soon. DW wants it gone; gonna get her on it, might change her mind.
I've had a minor issue with slow starts and not fully charging, found the Positive battery cable corroded and almost completed destroyed. Replaced it today with a battery cable from AMAZON, GY20169 Positive Battery Cable Compatible With John-Deere. Fixed starting and charging issue. Have a great day.

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