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Classic Goldwings

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  1. who444444

    Motorycle For Sale 76 gl1000 san diego county not running now free to someone who can haul it away.

    thought I would post it here before putting it on craigs list. check my posts to see what it is. Modified and single carb. Have original carbs also. weak spark and not firing now. Brakes need to be rebuilt.
  2. who444444

    super glue and baking soda

    saw a you tube of a guy repairing plastic using super glue and then immediately sprinkling baking soda on the glue. Almost instant bond and hard. So I thought I would try it on a old side cover that was missing a tab. Used a piece of L-shaped steel as tab replacement and glued it to plastic side...
  3. who444444

    custom photo of bike

    kinda off topic but here is a pic of my 76 wing .I used a android app called sketch guru to change pic to pencil sketch. free app and the effect is pretty cool.
  4. who444444

    front tire wear

    It seems like the right side of my front tire is wearing ever so slightly more than the left side. If it's not my imagination, what might be the cause of this? :headscratch: thanks as always for any info, dave
  5. who444444

    low compression ideas/help

    Finally got around to checking my compression and what I got was 140 to 135 lbs. on each cylinder. After a squirt of oil down the spark plug hole each cylinder went up to 160+ lbs. My backyard mechanical knowledge tells me that probably the problem is ring related. I might be willing to remove...
  6. who444444

    marvel mystery oil in crankcase

    anyone use marvel mystery oil as an oil additive and if so any problems with wet clutch? thanks for your experiences and advice. dave
  7. who444444

    fiberglass mod on my 76

    Thought I'd post what I did to my 76 to show that yes any one can do fiberglass repair and mods. My bike doesn't have a stock look already but I wanted to change it a bit more. So I decided to make my side covers and tank sides one piece. here is a simple approach to fiberglass work. 1. mock up...
  8. who444444

    replaced timing belt tensioners

    I just replaced my timing belt tensioner bearings using the procedure in this post from another forum. ... 11&t=10919 (Not my post and thanks to original poster) It worked very well, but a couple things worth mentioning. The 76 wing has heat shields...
  9. who444444

    update to installing electric fuel pump on my 76

    got 85 gl1200 tip switched and wired it to my electric fuel pump install. Now using normally open 12 volt auto relay ( very common, auto parts store or I got mine from auto junk yard near home ) Much simpler than earlier install and is on with ignition switch and stays on unless bike is laid...
  10. who444444

    installing electric fuel pump on my 76

    My fuel pump started to leak and so now is the time to install electric pump. Decided to use the 85 prelude pump and found one at rock auto for under $30 ( I think ) I want to power it through a relay so I found a junkyard toyota 30 amp relay. Here is how I wired it. (this is for the folks that...
  11. who444444

    finished valve stem seals timing belts and more

    With good advice from this forum and also others I decided to replace my old valve stem seals. I was only going to do the seals and nothing else so I did just that and when finished started bike to make sure all was good. I took off rocker assembly and used a harbor freight 10 dollar valve...
  12. who444444

    radiator pinhole

    Any recommendations for a radiator sealer for a pinhole leak in core? I can't buy, or recore right now. I have used alumaseal in cars with good luck but am concerned about possible pump issues with sealer. Thanks
  13. who444444

    sealer for rocker assembly

    Honda shop manual says to use a sealer on rocker assembly where assembly meets head and where it meets cam holder. Anybody know what sealer they are talking about? they list sealers as three bond #4 or #20 or# 2 #4 is listed as used on head #20 on oil pressure switch #2 on temp switch and...
  14. who444444

    valve guide seals rubber or viton

    which should I get? anybody have a preference? thanks dave
  15. who444444

    resistor for ignition

    sorry, one more ignition question. I'm running 3 ohm ( i think ) green dyna coils with no resistor, solid core wires no resistor, and non resistor plugs. Is this cool or will I run into problems? I'm not sure, any advice would be welcomed. thanks dave
  16. who444444

    dyna s or points?

    I know a c5 system would be great but I can only afford a dyna s system. I have run the green dyna coils for a long time now. Any opinions on the dyna s as opposed to getting new points and condenser? thanks, dave
  17. who444444

    pics of the inside of tachometer

    I had the screaming tach problem and lube was not fixing it. so I took it apart to see what was up. I thought I would find gears and such but no, just a revolving disc using magnetic induction? or? whatever I see the only thing that could be making the noise was the bushing the shaft with disc...
  18. who444444

    about to mount first try at single carb setup

    Yet one more person's variation to see what will work. I've attached a pic of my mock up single to try. I will use "Tom's" carb, 2 to 1 riser, vw manifold and stock elbows for first try. Don't laugh, I'm using electrical pvc schedule 80 , 1 and 1/4 pipe for runners. Two straight pieces and the...
  19. who444444

    using stock throttle cable pulley

    has anyone put the stock throttle cable pulley on one of tom's carbs? if so how did you do it? I have an extra one and was thinking of trying to fit it to carb. Thanks, dave