4" pullies have been paid for

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I am glad to see it all worked out for you littlebeaver.

I checked out his website and see he has your pulley pics on the equipment page.
Thank you Jerry, these pullies are really sweet, Everything is working to plan, Dan has contacted me and I've been all over it, I feel I'm doing a great job so far, I'm only doing the best that I can, I feel we have all been down a rocky road together on these pullies and there is some light at the end of the tunnel..So Jerry are you going to make any of these pullies? Ohio Bill has to be in Heaven man he got a speciality one with a different size bore hole for his 1000 now how cool is that..??? I have seen it and it's sweet..like the rest of them...
OK before I get in a hurry and put this sweet pulley on...when I receive it

bolt, big washer, and then the pulley with a lot of loctite....correct??

The big washer you refer to is that the stock washer or is there another washer?
Yes sir, the big washer contains the belt on the timing pulley, you can actually cut the hole ahead of time if you wish, just use a 5/8" socket as a guide, center it with the hole and draw it out with a magic marker. cut it with a dremel or if you have a hydrolic hole puncher thingy that will work... What I'm saying is the hole I made for my homemade pulley shaft fit it perfectly...Place the right side timing cover on first and bolt it on, then place the big washer inside the cover and put the pulley in place over it, I used a 60mm x12mm bolt on mine. then the washer and bolt...I place some blue lock tight on it and I held the pulley and tighten it, but not overly tight...But tight.. It ain't going no where man...Nice fit ...Spins perfectly...Clears bolt head.. Now when I say right cover that's if your sitting on the bike..Left side facing it from the front..
The hole is already there. I had a pulley on the bike for about 1 minute until it fell out of the hole while the bike was running. Thought the radiator was history. But happily the rad had no damage.
Will definatly use locktite this time around.

So the big washer is the stock washer---correct?
Wilcoy, this pulley will not come off, the fit is really nice and it's keyed, I have no concerns of it ever coming loose or off...None.. So how did you enlarge your hole in the big flat washer, just curious??? The big washer is the stock washer yes, however you have a smaller washer that sits directly under the bolt head too, I used it under my bolt..
I wanted everyone here to visit my machinist site, I would invite you to view his stuff...Sure he got delayed but there wasn't one time he didn't write me back on a question..He's one guy but he did a fantasic job on these pullies..Here's his site.. https://www.jb-machine.com/about-us/
I just got the serpentine pulley beav sent me.
Very nice work his machinist has done with these, quality work.
Though it seems like a lot of money I really feel this quality work and made in the U.S is worth it.
Blows me away how much lighter this aluminum is over the steel version I have.
Ha ha, nice to know mine is still a one off.
Wilcoy the key is made into the timing crank pulley..This pulley is designed to slip right onto that key... If yours does not have the key it was sheared off somehow, maybe Dan can set you up with another one or ebay..if it's gone..Sorry man but the pulley wont be as effective without that key in place...
Yes that's right, the front timing belt pulley has that key protruding for the pulley to engage.
When you pull the crank bolt and washer you'll see it.

A side note:
On mine I had to drill the thin washer, the one that goes right against this front timing belt gear, to allow the new pulley step to insert into this front pulley. I used a step drill bit.
Be sure you reinstall the thin washer since that's what keeps the timing belt on the timing belt gear and prevents the belt from walking forward.
Wilcoy if it's sheared off, you are going to need to remove the outer belt, my method of locking everything down works real easy for me when I do this procedure, do as if you were going to change out belts, set your crank, to t-1 and up is up on the pullies, paint a white reference mark to the crank pulley and the engine anywhere you want, 2 o'clock is where mine is so I can see it from the side view, lock down the cam pullies [refer to my timing belt change] and once it's locked down just loosen the tensioner enough to slip that belt off and the crank pulley will come straight out and just replace it with another one and place your belt back on and set the tension back, it's that easy.. Oh, I use welding clamps to lock it down but I bet c-clamps will work too..I think the 83 has the triangle shape to the cam pullies just find a socket to fit that triangle hole..It's just to hold it from moving and will not hurt a thing, best helper in the World in my opinion..
I now understand the key. I had a machinist punch the thin washer for the new diameter. He made it a very little too big. so He milled the new pulley down and made a step for that washer. Kinda what Dan wass saying. Pulley in place and 14 volts at the battery. Now just have to put it all back together. I had two wires from the battery one big one to the alt bolt. now I can not for the life of me remember what the other little wire was for. I did use the three plug on the alt. I hope the one wire was for the light for the alt. Which I was not going to use.

Thanks soooo much beav for getting this project to completion.
Wilcoy, refer back to my Conversion post on page 2.. :Egyptian:
Well the post office site says Ohio Bill's has been delivered, Ohio Bill What's up Doc?
I haven't checked the site for a couple of days. Been busy relocating my Ducati mufflers so I can have a trailer hitch as well as chain sawing the hugh tree limb that blew down in the storm on 6/30/12. I want to thank you for all your efforts and follow up to make this project happen. If there is anyone that wants a used project pulley I have one for sale for $200. Just kidding. Thanks to everyone on this board for their help and ideas.
No, thank you Ohio Bill for the water pump extention idea...That made my life easy man..
My Three Rib Pulley arrived!! Tracking info was spot on and arrived as was predicted.

Littlebeaver is a stand up guy, and thanks to Dan as well for handling the $$$ tran$actions... Now I will be ready when the old girl's voltage output starts to go south...

Thanks Beav....

Both my pullies arrived (but next time you ship International tell them its worth $50.00) they whacked me on duty.
1060dsl":6wn89ld6 said:
Both my pullies arrived (but next time you ship International tell them its worth $50.00) they whacked me on duty.
Sorry I do not ship out of the Country alot, kinda new to me, now please explain how and or why you got whacked, do they charge you some how? For what...?? I do not understand they whacked me on duty.. :doh: Do you like the pullies? Nobody ever said a thing about my timing sight caps, I guess you guy's can find these on ebay ha ha :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: Or the plans I gave you too.... :oops: :oops: :Egyptian: I'm glad you got them.. For those that don't know I wrote 260.00 on the amount of worth for insurance, I had to buy stupid insurance so I can have him sign for it, other wise it would have been hassal free I'm sure.. Sorry about that..
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