Wilcoy if it's sheared off, you are going to need to remove the outer belt, my method of locking everything down works real easy for me when I do this procedure, do as if you were going to change out belts, set your crank, to t-1 and up is up on the pullies, paint a white reference mark to the crank pulley and the engine anywhere you want, 2 o'clock is where mine is so I can see it from the side view, lock down the cam pullies [refer to my timing belt change] and once it's locked down just loosen the tensioner enough to slip that belt off and the crank pulley will come straight out and just replace it with another one and place your belt back on and set the tension back, it's that easy.. Oh, I use welding clamps to lock it down but I bet c-clamps will work too..I think the 83 has the triangle shape to the cam pullies just find a socket to fit that triangle hole..It's just to hold it from moving and will not hurt a thing, best helper in the World in my opinion..