im doing the resurecting wing dance ....oh yea ....running great....what a pleasure it is and thrill to get an oldwing going the motor is fine smoke for awhile not to long though and then cleared up ....revs quick with the 1100 carbs on it ....
down low in the idle zone it is making a noise going to check the sator bolt to be sure its tight ...
boy the mufflers are in great shape its qiet and free flowing ....
having some problems with the thorttle cable adjusting to look into
now i need to work on flushing the gas tank
try to get front brake to fill up and bleed and work
back also
lighhts ...missing outside ring and inner bulb carrier....turn signal wires all cut and hack need to find out where they actualy go on the bike and wired in
check fuel pump and filter maybe new filter
change oil and final drive oil
put on the tupperware clean and go riding :Egyptian: :Egyptian: :yahoo: :salute: :rocks:

k: :yahoo: :mrgreen: