notes for ol mate Trumpy.....

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I’m a stick and stones guy ...and words never hurt you ...but words are what’s used to enlighten everyone’s thoughts ...words come in two categories...not good and evil’s truth and lies ...people who try and make words a crime or offensive or harms people are anti freedom of speech ....people have every right to slander and make accusation about president Trump ...but that’s all it is ...I’ve heard nothing that has any truth in it ...the facts are ..that even in our total financial scam of a banking system ...trump has put people to work better than anyone else in history especially since 1913 ...he’s actually working for the people of I watch the news today ..Trump pulls American troops out of Syria ..and takes our troupes out of harms way ...and instantly the global concerns of the banking system has Syria instantly threaten with invasion try and reverse Trumps move to protecting and getting troupes out of other countries ...Syria is not the country that has done anything wrong to any other country period or to its people ...outsiders are invading Syria ...why cause Syria and other countries like Iran don’t cater to the global banking system...that’s there crime bottomline’s a war on Syria to inslave the country and its people to the global banking system ...and America troupes are used as mercenaries to odtane this goal is the so called Obama created isis rebels and all other so called freedom rebels fighting Syria ..Finally as went ..the Russian military wipe isis out in 3 weeks ...something Obama was claiming to be doing for his entire 8yrs as president ...while he armed isis with weapons along with Hillary Clinton in truth the American people were just flat out lied to the entire time Obama was President ...he also armed the Mexican drug cartel with thousands of guns in the fast and furious scandal ...guns that eventually was killing border patrol agents ...and also American citizens..proven beyond any doubt at all one been charged at all...Obama was involved..Eric holder ...the ATF a government agency all involved in the gun scandal that killed American people ..flat out facts one charged....when you make money out of thin air ....and your competition is people who have to work for it to get it own everything ...the media ...the courts system ...the entire elected government left and right ..all government agencies ...the higher and lower education system ....all large corporations and business concerns ...control of the internet in all ways ....all the stock exchange and commodities markets set up to tell producers what they will pay for your stuff period reverse of free market belief period ....they own everything all hidden in legal cover up baloney ...there nothing American about this ....Trump is not there guy ...and the entire bought off government is trying lies and legal actions to take this President out that slaughtered Hillary Clinton in the election even with all the rigged counting of votes ...illegal votes cast ...dead people votes ...combine she still lost....and the President is just getting more popular with the American people everyday ...despite the golbal media denial of this daily with lying polls ...
We need to pray him & his family are well protected from all the evil he is rooting out.
We are in a real war here, biblical God verses Moloch type of stuff.
Meanwhile the masses continue to sleep.
All watching the same LAME STREAM MEDIA ********.
No matter what station is watched.
Realize six groups own over 90% of it all the media.
Talking points start at 4am, & they all echo each others words
Adam **** & the rest of this gang of scumbags, along with the LAME STREAM MEDIA are all TRAITORS to our country, & way of life.
They need to be investigated half as much as Trump, & tried for their real crimes.
The penalty for treason is harsh, but so is the crime!!!
[url= said:
Denver » Wed Oct 09, 2019 8:28 am[/url]":1159jax9]
We need to pray him & his family are well protected from all the evil he is rooting out.
We are in a real war here, biblical God verses Moloch type of stuff.
Meanwhile the masses continue to sleep.
All watching the same LAME STREAM MEDIA ********.
No matter what station is watched.
Realize six groups own over 90% of it all the media.
Talking points start at 4am, & they all echo each others words
Adam **** & the rest of this gang of scumbags, along with the LAME STREAM MEDIA are all TRAITORS to our country, & way of life.
They need to be investigated half as much as Trump, & tried for their real crimes.
The penalty for treason is harsh, but so is the crime!!!

Totally agree ...truth and freedom verses deception and savory to all but them ..self proclaimed mangods ...
So true about the media, it's funny. Exactly the same stories, with maybe 1 local story that's different thrown in.
If people would just wake up and realize that one simple fact, they'd start to see how badly we're being scammed.
so far we have blamed the media, the general public and not forgetting deep state conspiracies.
is any one just a bit tired of the downright untruths and misdirection from ol mate trumpy ?
and the plain stupid things he says.
see, i dont give a fat rats arse , what side of the political fence trump is on.
i see online that the trump haters have the tally of lies at 15 thousand or so.
you only have to look at the rubbish he tried to peddle about this corona virus, to see he is a very loose unit.
it went from democrat hoax , to nothing to worry about, to 15 cases and dropping ,to it will just disappear, like a miracle when the hot weather comes. and recently ,, oh i knew it was a pandemic all the time... **** me.
You may, or may not, be assessing what his moves are correctly.
Is this whole virus thing a diversion?
So far 22,000 have died here, this year, just from the flu.
With over a hundred children, but not a peep about that
Last i heard i child, and less than 2 dozen here.
With most in Washington state nursing home.
This is all war on American people period ..this is like Lyme disease ..whats going on is man made war virus ..created and used in the United States first. And deaths were blamed on vaping ...when China made made a deal. With trump and declared it would not except worthless global paper money for goods anymore the the global scum unleashed this war virus on China plain and simple along with other places around the world as last ditch effort to hang on. ...there going down down down ...Trump Puptin and a few other leaders are taking the global hell on earth out period
Yep, very interesting that the vaping "problem" is no longer a problem. MSM was even blaming that whole deal on China.

Such crap everything is today. Nothing is as it seems, and you Can't believe ANYTHING.
[url= said:
Denver » Fri Mar 20, 2020 2:45 am[/url]":1n2qsguw]
You may, or may not, be assessing what his moves are correctly.
Is this whole virus thing a diversion?
So far 22,000 have died here, this year, just from the flu.
With over a hundred children, but not a peep about that
Last i heard i child, and less than 2 dozen here.
With most in Washington state nursing home.
well, i think we can safely assume that this virus thing is a bit more than a diversion. it is saddening to think of so many dead so far in the US. now , numbers are being questioned. so, let's say the true number is half what is reported. 40,000 is still an absurd number. ( we, here in Australia, have just under 100 dead from this virus.) but almost every day, ol mate trumpy says things that are just plain loopy.the man is a raving ******* lunatic.
as i type this , i have just read of the second white house staffer to be tested positive for the virus.
maybe, just maybe , trump will realise this thing don't care if you are a dem or repub.
i seen a lot of conspiracy theories on the net,and if it is some global war on citizens or countries then is a pearler. i watch a lot of news channels. some , i have trouble watching, Rachel Maddow is one. sean hannity another. tucker carlson wants a good belting i reckon.. ha ha.
how the ****, can anyone who thinks, support this fool trump ? its beyond me.
another news item just in, a push for that NY governor to run for president. if he does, trump is out on his ear. that fella has got the goods. a voice of reason in truly mad times.
Sad state of affairs when a lab created virus is turned loose onto the masses.
Wet mart my ass, this was done by the same swamp creatures ******* us all over for centuries.
False Flag Events can work out well, the 1918 flu, was also a pandemic, that they created, then turn loose
They want to keep us divided, & arguing among ourselves, so we miss what they are up to.
They will probably be announcing an invasion from outer space pretty soon, another lie to scare.
I'd like to see discussions like this taken to the new forum "Free America Speaks" viewforum.php?f=139

The forum is completely uncensored to ANYTHING legal (and not so legal).

Aussie, it's interesting that you're opinion of Trump is my opinion of the Dems, especially Pelosi and Biden. That bitch is bat **** crazy, and Biden a bumbling idiot.
Biden is the best "they" could come up with? You bet your ass!...He's a puppet on their strings, exactly what the dems want.

But anyway, people need to get digging to find the facts instead of watching the "news", which is biased in their anti-American agenda driven sensationalistic presentations.
Oh my god assiegold ..the new York governor is a killer way anyone would vote for that self chosen scum of life antichrist ..your info must be just tainted bull **** ...trump has got all America on his side period ...wont be long the global scum will be saying he's another Hitler and try and get the rest of the world to war against America
..let them try ..america not going to follow the global scum nation killer bankers in any way ..they are the ones that have met there match not Trump or America ..this virus is pure bull ****. Scam to shut down America ..ypu down under people run your country any dam way you want .you want to add of the global scum do so ..but America not going there ..
this thread was started to comment on all the batshit crazy stuff trump says. almost daily , the nut comes out with some thing that makes you go WHAAA???
not commenting on his obvious corruption and lining of his families pockets with taxpayer money or the wall that was never built or paid for by Mexico or sacking AG after AG til he got one to do his bidding or his name calling of his political opponents or the 34 lawsuits that await him to finish his term or any other way this moron is damaging Americas standing in the world . not the least, by the way the US presidency is reduced to a ****** up reality tv show .
as , for the thread about freedom on the main page, i'll be honest. i have no idea what it is about.
I agree with ya there, he does say a lot of stupid things and the name calling is completely unnecessary. He’s not perfect, but he beats any of the competitors 100 fold imo, and I strongly believe he’s our best and maybe only chance to fight for and protect our constitution and freedom.
We Americans see the world differently, why else would we save useless ******* England,from the Germans.
Saved their pussy *****, and they hate us for it
They think their **** don't stink, **** those ungrateful bastards.
******* limey bastards have been stabbing America in the back, since the ******* revolution.
Trump is just ******* around with the lame stream media, loves to make them go ape ****.
[url= said:
Denver » Sun May 10, 2020 1:29 pm[/url]":1j3l20yb]
We Americans see the world differently, why else would we save useless ******* England,from the Germans.
Saved their pussy *****, and they hate us for it
They think their **** don't stink, **** those ungrateful bastards.
******* limey bastards have been stabbing America in the back, since the ******* revolution.
Trump is just ******* around with the lame stream media, loves to make them go ape ****.

it is very true that the US contributed greatly to WW2 and i would like to think that most people in the UK are grateful for that. i don't know if they are or not.
i do know that there is a RAF base in Northhamptonshire ( Central England ) that is host to US intelligence forces, still ,some 75 years later.
not sure what other bases are used by the US , but rest assured, nothing comes for free.

trump lacks the intelligence to **** with anyone. he is an insecure bully and a coward to boot.
he is however, the duly elected President of the US.
perhaps the only one to be attacked by sections of his own party ? the lincoln project are my newest
interest. how bad do you need to be ,to be ridiculed by your own ?
or are they more fake news ?
Your entitled to your opinion about old Trump being an ignorant bully.
The fake news, ALL of it other than O A N N, are owned by just six family's.
Five Eyes helps to spread the same ******** lies far & wide all over the world.
Do not know who owns O A N N. but they do tell BOTH SIDES of the news.
Which is refreshing after hearing the others.
Fox was O K till Disney bought them.
[url= said:
Denver » Wed May 13, 2020 1:33 am[/url]":1kzy7hhr]
Your entitled to your opinion about old Trump being an ignorant bully.
The fake news, ALL of it other than O A N N, are owned by just six family's.
Five Eyes helps to spread the same ******** lies far & wide all over the world.
Do not know who owns O A N N. but they do tell BOTH SIDES of the news.
Which is refreshing after hearing the others.
Fox was O K till Disney bought them.

i agree with all you say.
the concept of fake news can be seen quite easily. all you need to do is watch a report by sean hannity or tucker carlson , then find any on MSNBC . find the same topic and be amazed by the different takes on it.
it is truly amazing.
but in between all that malarkey, is the truth. see, the truth cant be spun. or altered. the truth is the truth.
the really hard part is having the time or inclination to see/hear all the different takes on a subject and come to an informed opinion.
or risk becoming entrenched in one side or the other, hyperbole.

in the case of trump. he will say some thing , (anything really). then the next day ( or sooner ) he will deny saying it.
this can be explained away by saying , he's just playing with them . maybe, maybe not.
it is amusing and baffling at the same time..
here is a little taste. ps. i know its from the washington post, a notorious anti trump source. but there you go. fox would never put it together.

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