I’m a stick and stones guy ...and words never hurt you ...but words are what’s used to enlighten everyone’s thoughts ...words come in two categories...not good and evil ...it’s truth and lies ...people who try and make words a crime or offensive or harms people are anti freedom of speech ....people have every right to slander and make accusation about president Trump ...but that’s all it is ...I’ve heard nothing that has any truth in it ...the facts are ..that even in our total financial scam of a banking system ...trump has put people to work better than anyone else in history especially since 1913 ...he’s actually working for the people of America....as I watch the news today ..Trump pulls American troops out of Syria ..and takes our troupes out of harms way ...and instantly the global concerns of the banking system has Syria instantly threaten with invasion ...to try and reverse Trumps move to protecting and getting troupes out of other countries ...Syria is not the country that has done anything wrong to any other country period or to its people ...outsiders are invading Syria ...why cause Syria and other countries like Iran don’t cater to the global banking system...that’s there crime bottomline ....it’s a war on Syria to inslave the country and its people to the global banking system ...and America troupes are used as mercenaries to odtane this goal ..as is the so called Obama created isis rebels and all other so called freedom rebels fighting Syria ..Finally as went ..the Russian military wipe isis out in 3 weeks ...something Obama was claiming to be doing for his entire 8yrs as president ...while he armed isis with weapons along with Hillary Clinton ...so in truth the American people were just flat out lied to the entire time Obama was President ...he also armed the Mexican drug cartel with thousands of guns in the fast and furious scandal ...guns that eventually was killing border patrol agents ...and also American citizens..proven beyond any doubt at all ...no one been charged at all...Obama was involved..Eric holder ...the ATF a government agency all involved in the gun scandal that killed American people ..flat out facts ...no one charged....when you make money out of thin air ....and your competition is people who have to work for it to get it ....you own everything ...the media ...the courts system ...the entire elected government left and right ..all government agencies ...the higher and lower education system ....all large corporations and business concerns ...control of the internet in all ways ....all the stock exchange and commodities markets set up to tell producers what they will pay for your stuff period ...total reverse of free market belief period ....they own everything all hidden in legal cover up baloney ...there nothing American about this ....Trump is not there guy ...and the entire bought off government is trying lies and legal actions to take this President out that slaughtered Hillary Clinton in the election even with all the rigged counting of votes ...illegal votes cast ...dead people votes ...combine she still lost....and the President is just getting more popular with the American people everyday ...despite the golbal media denial of this daily with lying polls ...