Today's update....
Did a little test run on polishing the timing belt covers. My camera sux for stuff like this, but the polishing IS working...just tedious...just did the lower part(top in these pics) for today.
I did FINALLY get the engine block painted....'bout dang time, too. It's raining, and 40 friggin degrees here was in the 80's yesterday....
Just to see how it would kinda look...
I screwed up and painted the dang pick-up screen cover, so I took it off, cleaned the paint off, and then polished it. It's always bothered me that there was nothing really holding that screen in tight, so I added a couple of small o-rings to the two pins at the outer end. With the cover bolted on, it puts just enough pressure on the screen to hold it tight.
Once the paint had time to dry a little, I scraped the paint off of the fins on the bottom of the casting...even tho it will never be seen after the engine is installed. Just had to do it, the shifter shaft seal installed, too.
Got the trans cover, and coolant outlet painted, too. I'll be taking the rear cover, clutch cover, and starter to the shop tomorrow to clean them up nice and purdy, then they'll be ready for some color. Once that is done, I'll be ready to re-assemble this pig...the engine, that is. I still have to go thru the carbs, fix some stuff on the fairing, etc. etc. Should be ready to ride by the time the weather decides what the hell it's gunna do.'s a roller coaster ride, weather-wise around here!!
To be continued....

opcorn: :wave: