Try a head gasket re-torque? Possible for heat/pressure of hard acceleration to be causing exhaust to leak into coolant causing overpressure.
My thought also. The engine power isn’t the problem. The cooling system is capable of handling the heat load. Besides, increased heat won’t transfer to the coolant instantly. My bet is the system is getting over pressured.[url= said:pidjones » 16 minutes ago[/url]":crf1qb1k]
Try a head gasket re-torque? Possible for heat/pressure of hard acceleration to be causing exhaust to leak into coolant causing overpressure.
Sounds like a good plan.[url= said:joedrum » Today, 3:00 am[/url]":4sb4o7y4]
Hmmmm ...I’ve been trying to think of a way to check cylinder leakage.....I’m thinking I’ll ridei it again get good and pressurized ...not loosen the cap ....let it cool ....then take plugs out ...spin motor and see if there is any sign of water in in the cylinders ...seems if it is leaking while running ...once off and pressurized it should leak back the other way some ....hmmmm ....I guess one could also take one plug out a time and run it and look for cooling. System change in operation ...this hole time I’ve been not seeing what I consider good flow in the radiator...I’ve also seen no air bubbles either ...but will for sure retorque heads ...first thing ....sheesh
:whistling:[url= said:dan filipi » Fri Nov 01, 2019 8:04 am[/url]":1ghpb4ex]
I figured it was head gasket leaking, just didn’t want to say.
[url= said:joedrum » 14 minutes ago[/url]":2t3jiu2n]
Well rather discouraging... I’m about to just give it up ...the quality of the head gaskets are so poor for these bikes and there no upgrade gaskets ...just these ridicules goo gaskets’s becoming clear they just won’t last in this bikes motor...