new to me oldwing 77 1000

Classic Goldwings

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the deal is ita working bigtime ther is so much gunk in the solution now ...its hard to beleave....about the best tank cleaning deal there id say ill know more later :whip: givint the rust the whip off my tank :Egyptian: :smilie_happy: :mrgreen:
wow this is great the rust is realy coming off the tank .....ive done the lower haft of the tank where the fuel sender gose ....ive now put the rusty fuel sender on and moving the electro to the upper side at the fill up snout with the electro sure this will clean the sencer completly along with the rest of the tank .....1000 are great haveing the drain plug im sure it wont be long before i have the 77 hooked up to its own tank :Egyptian: :Egyptian: :mrgreen:
dan i did managed today to tell patty to get some batteries for the camera ..and on a side note found the old camera card you wanted me to send send you ...its crazy for me to put anything up ...i an the first to forget where that is :smilie_happy:

today im working on the 77 right now customizing the the air box ... i like the 1000 airbox there metal and the filters are bigger and are one piece at the bottom instead of a plastic and metal combo and smaller filter on the 1100s im just about done with that ..... :mrgreen:

after further reveiw im going to take the gas tank off ...its not that the electrolyse tank cleaning didnt work its just to hard to get it all flushed out and just not going to pass my standards to go ahead and hook up to perfectly cleaned carbs ...not happening on my bike ...if i get it out ican fuss around blow ,clean ,scrub till im totaly satisfied to use it ...probably the chas ideal of rocks and slow tumble is what ill do like hook it up to a rotisery type cooker thing that truns slow and by itself thats what going on at the doghouse today

it will take me longer to get the 77 road ready but im not going to copromise anything at all on my standards
wow the front stand and the back center stand together make a nice bike lift ....right now the the 77 is up on all four legs with wheels off the ground ...this is a huge plus on working on the bike .....

it seems down low in the rpm i had a noise ...iwas thinking it might be primary chain slap ...but with a stick i could hear it was coming from inside the valve cover and somes out instantly when rev up i will check it out tomarrow....this is a very exciting bike to me and cant wait to get it together.... :mrgreen:
well i finaly got the gas tank out the only meidium i have to put in the tank i have access to is road gravel ... :smilie_happy: i plenty of that :mrgreen: so i guess thats what ill use..... :Egyptian:
okay im sort of whipped at the moment and throwing in the towel on the gas tank cleaning going to use the mongrel tank in the 77 ....its cold enough here today to promt me to get this done so ican get to other things on the 77 to do a road test on it check out the trans and stuff :shock: :mrgreen:
okay i didnt get much done yesterday as i had to babysit the grandson ...its a little warmer today and im after it ....for awhile ...looks like babysitting today later this afternoon :builder: :headscratch: :mrgreen:
:party: :yahoo: its running on it own tank now letting it cool off and going to puthings back together ...not sure how far im going to get get but im glad to be passed the tank .....theres a lot to do toget it officialy ready for the road ...but a test ride out in the boonies where i live isnt that far off ...big step here guys :mrgreen:
its just about all back together now ineed a battery dont have one at all ...actualy only have period ,,,still have some front brake work to do like a there no fluid at all ....put radiator stuff back on ....timing belt covers ...and the dreaded lights and turn signals ....i suck at this stuff ..and the vetter plug needs to undone ....hopefully by the end of tomarrow ill have it all going and street ready .....

on the down side i do have the dreaded primary chain noise that pre 78 1000s have i was hoping it wasnt going to have that :rant: but this is common

when i ran the bike this last time i check the clutch out and first and second gear with the wheel up seemed to work fine :mrgreen:

so now im done for the day ...time to clean up
well so far today the front master cyclinder is garbage and needs to be totaly rebuilt ....ive taken the entire front brak system off the bike to deal with later ....on to other stuff idont want any brake fluid on my bike dripping it wont for sure now :smilie_happy: :mrgreen:
just got back the back brake was draging i kinda expected that....its still going to take some time to get it all done .....ive gone about as far as i can go fundless so its going to start going slower from here now im sure ...but im quite pleased with it ....ican do some dial ing in on the motor i suppose ....what it needs more than dialing in is run in some ....

the back brakes on the 1000 are a pain to get right ....and the front need total rebuild on master cylinder .....

it seemed to ride well though ....ive forgoten how much shorter they are anyway ill try to get some pics up still need batteries for the camera :mrgreen:
thanks everyone for the 1100 master cylinders for use on the 77 ...but im sticking with early 1000 masrecylinder if i can....

been chaseing a power problem on the 77 .....and by chance while trying to fine tune i coulsee that when i got the cover on on it started running worst untwisted the wire some where it appear to be twisted to take up some length and it started runnig great so inm thrilled im sure its going to have all kinds of power now :mrgreen: